

  • I should also add that Queen's greatest hits may be some of the greatest workout songs ever. So motivational for some reason!
  • This is weird, because pretty much the same thing happened to me, except I have it in both eyes. The doctor gave me a pair to try, and at first they were weird, but as the day went on, I noticed them less and less. Then the next day, and about a week after that, they irritated me A LOT! I finally got in to see the doctor…
  • The "Silent Treatment" never works. It's a selfish way of ignoring something that should probably talk about. Always always always be open and honest and talk about whatever may be upsetting you.
  • Here is what I like to listen to, usually while on cardio. The beats very from mid-tempo to up-tempo and I usually try to match my pace to the beat. Britney Spears - Do Somethin' Maroon 5 - Little of Your Time La Roux - Bulletproof The Sounds - Song With a Mission Lady Gaga - Bad Romance Cobra Starship - Good Girls Go Bad…
  • I found the best way to get the water out of tofu is just to squeeze it between a towel, give it a rest, then go at it again until it stops letting water out. As far as meat substitutes for someone who needs to limit their intake, I really suggest trying soy products like littletiger said. I've found some really great…
  • I don't know how much a kid would go for this, but I made a 3 bean and brown rice "salad" for myself for lunch this week and I have really liked it. It's very filling and pretty good for you. 3 cans of beans (I used kidney, garbanzo, and cannellini) 4 cups of cooked brown rice 1 cup slivered almonds 1/4 cup olive oil 1/3…
  • I have found that I really enjoy the Morning Star products. They're pretty tasty and flavorful, and this is coming from a true carnivore. Here are the ingredients to the Veggie Burger: VEGETABLES (MUSHROOMS, WATER CHESTNUTS, ONIONS, CARROTS, GREEN BELL PEPPERS, RED BELL PEPPERS, BLACK OLIVES), TEXTURED VEGETABLE PROTEIN…
    in Morning Star Comment by bxdarby May 2010
  • I just barely started the 30 Day Shred, but in conjunction with that, I also go to the gym and do strength training for an hour or so and some low intensity cardio for about 30 minutes. That being said, I don't do the gym right after the video, I wait about an hour or 2 and give my body time to recover. Good luck! I hope…
  • I drink Silk Vanilla light soymilk. I'm confused with this study though because I just compared the nutritional facts of the Silk against Regular Whole Milk and surprisingly, the Silk has more nutrients in every category except for Vitamin A. The protein in Silk is 1g less than in regular whole milk. So what gives? I don't…
  • I think you should just brush this off as a little slip, and keep stickin to your routine. There is no sense freaking out over something that already happened. Maybe during your next couple workouts just push yourself a little harder, but don't worry about it. We all slip up from time to time. You'll be fine! :o)
  • The other day I had Mexican and I was concerned about what to order because honestly, it's not the healthiest food. I ended up ordering a Spinach and Asparagus Enchilada. It had no cheese in it, just fresh veggies, a little cheese on top, light on the red sauce and very easy cheese. If you have a problem finding something,…
    in Mexican Food Comment by bxdarby May 2010
  • For stuff like that, where there's only a few ingredients, I just put each thing in by serving. If I plan on having it again, I save the meal. Otherwise, for weird stuff like baked goods, I plug the ingredients into a recipe calculating website and then create a new food.
  • I think you're fine with one can a day. I used to drink like 5 or 6 every day. Now I have one every few days or so. My best suggestion is just remember to drink at least an equal amount of water as you do soda, that way you stay hydrated.
    in diet coke Comment by bxdarby April 2010
  • Great article, thanks for sharing! I've finally convinced my husband to let me get a scale after showing him exactly where in the bathroom I would put it after using it. He "says" it's because he always runs into them and doesn't want it to be out, but I think there may be other motives.
  • I actually work with a lady who is around your age who just started doing this. From what she tells me, she is really enjoying it, despite it's extreme level of difficulty. She tells me that she doesn't always doing everything fully, but she does whatever she can do. As long as your doing it and you don't over exert…