Bettyeditor Member


  • 1) The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailor (It will blow your mind, I'm serious!) 2) The Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet, PhD and Shou-Ching Jaminet, PhD (the most useful diet book I've ever read in my life)
  • Our bodies don't work like simple math. They work like BIOLOGY. There is a lot more to the weight loss puzzle than simple calories-in/calories-out. Our bodies have a weight set-point that is determined by hormones. The primary value of diet and exercise choices is how they affect our fat burning/storing hormones. What you…
  • And incidentally, it is impossible to calculate body fat with a measuring tape. The best ways are: 1) A scale that measures bodyfat (like Withings or Fitbit ARIA) 2) Calipers 3) Online calculators that estimate bodyfat
  • If you have lost weight but your bodyfat percentage didn't change, that means that you lost muscle right along with the fat. It's only true that fat is the first to go if you 1) eat enough protein while you are losing to maintain your current muscle mass 2) use only a small deficit while you lose (10-15% below what you…
  • My husband married me at my highest weight ever. And I married him when he was unemployed. But you see, we know who each other is inside, we know our potential, we know what kind of people we are, and we trust each other. Two and a half years after our wedding, I have now lost 80 lbs and I'm still losing and he has a good…
  • That's true. However, I don't need scientific accuracy. I just need convenience and a trajectory. For example, I have a Fitbit Aria scale, and every time I step on, it measures my body fat % for me automatically. I now have an historical record online that I can view and see trends. I'm sure that it makes assumptions and…
  • Yes. Been there, tried that, didn't work. Can anyone recommend any other brand/make/model of scale that measures bodyfat???????????
  • Yes, she tried the Fitbit Aria. THREE TIMES. Each time, after we got it connected to the WiFi network and stepped on, it would just display "ERR." We were never able to get anything other than an error message no matter how many times we tried. I have a Fitbit Aria and it works like a charm. It was very frustrating that…
  • I should clarify that we TRIED to find the Withings Health Mate app ( on my aunt's phone. We searched the app store on her phone, the same place where we found the apps for MFP and for her Fitbit Flex, but we couldn't get any results for "Withing" "Withing…
  • You don't need an appetite to eat. I'm sick a lot with major GI issues and I have very little appetite but I always eat at least 2,000 calories a day. And I lose at least a pound a week. Eat what you should to be healthy. Just do it. If you are committed enough, you will find a way to make it happen.
  • I'm not an expert, but I know some people eat a surplus on the days they lift and a deficit on non-lifting days. But average their appropriate deficit overall (such as 15% less than they burn, overall). Maybe if you wore a device like a BodyMedia Fit you would know for sure how much you burn and you would know for sure…
  • First of all, I just want to give you a big hug! This is a difficult stressful situation and I feel for you! You've been on my friend list for a while so I know how disciplined and consistent you are with your eating and your exercising. I'm so sorry this is happening and I'm also eager for you to find the solution! Here…
  • You look really great! Congrats on your hard work and dedication! And kudos that you did it slow and through permanent lifestyle changes. I can see from the final few pics that your arms tightened up a lot! How did you do that? Was it just losing more or was it from arm exercises?
  • Strategies to lose weight in a healthy, permanent way: 1) Lose slowly. Studies show that a max of 1-3 pounds a week lost has the lowest relapse rate. 2) Make permanent lifestyle changes. In other words, refuse to diet. Instead, acquire the habits of a lean person. 3) Make this your mantra: "I refuse to do anything to lose…
  • I went down 2 ring sizes and had my wedding/engagement rings resized so they wouldn't fall off. But now they are getting too loose again! I think I will have to get them sized down AGAIN... :noway:
  • 10 reps of "putting down the fork" at each meal, repeat until correct calorie deficit is reached
  • That was my big hesitation too, the armband. Now that I've left work and I'm doing school full time, I don't worry as much about someone seeing it. But honestly everyone who has seen it and asked about it just thought it was way cool and now I feel like a rock start fitness-type for wearing it! LOL And I find that I am way…
  • Yes, that's the same model I wear. And WOW that's an awesome price!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi Stefanie! I was in the same boat as you recently. I KNEW that my Fitbit was not accurate (I got my RMR tested and I could see that my Fitbit had under-calculated my BMR by a couple hundred calories a day but when I contacted Fitbit support they said that its impossible to change it). So just like you, I wondered if I…
  • I hear you. At my lowest calorie point, I would wear TWO sets of clothes at home. A pair of sweat pants that fit and an old pair that was too big, a turtleneck under a sweater, and cotton socks under wool socks. Then I would put a blanket over me and shiver. And my feet would be ICY inside the two socks. It was ridiculous.…
  • First of all, KUDOS to you to recognize that you are under-eating and working on improving it! :flowerforyou: Second, you will get there! I've been in the same boat as you. Used to eat 1200 and feel full. Now I eat an average of 2300. It is still hard some days. Today I'm already behind on calories, LOL. It takes time for…
  • A Fitbit is only a glorified pedometer. Its designed to capture daily activity, NOT workout activity. It only captures steps and stairs. It can't possibly know how hard you are working or how high your heart rate goes. People who wear a Fitbit use it to give them their BMR+NEAT burn every day, but in order to add your…
  • Very interesting. When I look at that chart, I see a pattern: A period of relatively stable/flat weight, followed by a small spike followed by a BIG drop. That correlates with what other people have reported who are very consistent with their weight loss approach and who don't change their approach even if they don't see…
  • I see the cute baby in your pic. You aren't nursing are you? (if you are, there is a way to log those calories in your diary and its highly recommended so that you don't undereat and compromise your health or baby's). If you are, then you can expect big fluctuations on the scale that have NOTHING to do with body fat. Have…
  • Wow, you look amazing! And you are such a great example of how just losing weight doesn't make a person hot. It just makes them skinny-fat. You can be thin but still weak and not toned. But lifting heavy and building muscle makes you HOT!! And does way more for self confidence than just losing weight. KUDOS TO YOU HOT…
  • Wow, this was VERY helpful information. Thank you for all the details. This explains so much! :)
  • By the way, if you are using the MFP defaults for your macros... well they are retarded. Most people end up changing them. You can change your goals (pick Custom instead of automatic). A lot of people change their goals to 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein. Personally, I set mine to 45/35/20 carbs/fats/protein. I also set my…
  • First of all, I'm curious what you are doing with your coconut oil if you use it for "everything" but you don't cook with it or eat it! :noway: Anyhoo, I had the same problem as you: I was afraid to go over on fats even though they were good fats. My cholesterol was slightly elevated so I spent months being RELIGIOUS about…
  • That's a great perspective, Mercedes! I believe that STRONG IS THE NEW SKINNY!! :flowerforyou: I bet you would enjoy reading this blog:
  • That's true, building that kind of muscle takes a LOT of extra calories and a LOT of extra protein. All that shopping, cooking, chewing... But I on the other hand would welcome that kind of drastic change to my eating habits. Bring on the weight training!