cherys Member


  • I love the idea of logging sweets in advance. I think that could be a real breakthrough for me. Knowing there will be a sweet that I want (rather than a virtuous half-sweet that I don't want) would really help.
  • Lots of people are saying exercise is not the driver and I am sure they are right - they are probably mored experienced and successful than me. However I lost 20lb on exercise alone. Meaning - I was still overeating by the same amount every day that led to my problems, as I just can't find the motivation to diet or…
  • Hi everyone, Please can I join? I want to do a fast focused weight loss. Never stuck to a diet before but I really want to get rid of the excess soon and then make my focus for the year on maintaining the new weight. I have to lose 30lb to be my ideal weight which is the healthy average weight for my height. I'm not aiming…
  • Thank you so much for sharing that video. Brilliant.
  • I prefer not to eat before a morning workout. But I do have a coffee and sometimes a shot glass of carrot juice to get started. i don't like eating before an evening workout either, which is not ideal, as after the class by the time I'm home and showered it's late and I don't like eating late either! But haven't worked out…
  • Hi It took me a year without dieting at all, though I did keep a food journal on MFP off and on and tried to be conscious of not over eating. I was still eating crisps, drinking wine, having cake almost every day. So I am living proof that busts the myth you can't outrun your stomach (up to a point). I did it through…
  • I totally agree about seizing the day but to say you failed is a bit harsh. There's still several weeks of summer and all hikers know you have to forego plans because of dangerous weather sometimes.
  • TBH, I don't really think of a daily walk as exercise. I don't usually log it unless it is well over an hour and uphill. I think of it more as a mental destress and a chance to be in nature.
  • An evening walk is a brilliant idea. People are saying you don't 'need' a walk if you have swum in the morning, but if you've been at a desk job all day, then instead of sitting again in the evening, you get to use your muscles and gently physically destress from the day. You get to enjoy fresher air, nature, and to…
  • I agree with the above, especially as medics have told you not to agitate your ab area. But two things that you might do safely are to squeeze the glute muscles when you are standing up and to very very gently pull in your stomach muscles, as if trying to get your navel to touch your spine. Doing this whenever you…
  • I really get that. One of the greatest pleasures of this past year has been catching sight of my reflection and seeing someone who looks years younger than i did 18 months ago. Then I always saw a fat, plain, middle aged pale woman. Even when I felt good inside, the reflection was a shock to my system. Now I see a tanned,…
  • To get compliments in public again. That is so petty, and my main reason is to feel fit and healthy. But I did go through two years of being at my heaviest when not a single personb ever complimented me on how I looked, even if I'd made quite an effort. Compliments started to happen again naturally when I'd lost about 15…
  • Those arms! What workouts did you do to get those arms?
  • Good work. Don't you love it when you can see your jawline again? Takes years off you.
  • Bootcamp split between 3 x 3 min circuits of body weight, resistance band, weights and abs (4kg x 2) Averaged about: 200 squats (some with weights, some with resistance band - goblet and sumo) 120 lunges (including pulse lunges) 30 crunches with weights + 30 other ab reps 30 side planks and 50 plank toe taps 150 arm…
  • Update - please ignore. I found it. FWIW if other people are looking and can't find it on Goals on their laptop, it is in a separate board called Check-in.
  • Do you weigh your food still? I started thinking I knew portion sizes by sight. One day I checked the weight of my sugar free granola and it was twice what I thought it was. Go back to weighing. Are your spoonfuls getting more heaped? Are you logging the exact items you eat or an approximation? It can be so boring and time…
  • Log food and stay within 1600 cals Drink 2l water Exercise rest day today but will be lightly active by: mowing the lawn, vacuuming the house cleaning the bathroom
  • Four things that might help: 1. Make a list of all your favourite foods that also happen to be part of your weight loss plan. So if you have started eating lots of cookies and fries and things which are designed to trigger binge eating, clear them out from your cupboards and put in your favourite healthier options. Only…
  • 7/16/21 REcap 1) Do bootcamp - done 2) Drink 2l of water - done 3) Take supplements (I keep forgetting) - done 4) Stay within calories through lots of fresh veg, berries and lean protein - done 5) Do some gardening/yardwork - done Squeezed in a 45 min walk too. 7/17/21 JFT 1. Bootcamp 2. 2. 2l water 3. Supplements 4. stay…
  • I guess that's the point. You fast from the unhelpful, unhealthy dopamine hits until you get the same hit form something beneficial to you. Its like swapping emotional eating for emotional exercising. When you feel down or bored or annoyed you can reach for a slice of cake or do a 5 minute HIIT workout. Both make you feel…
  • I think it's a combination of two things - a massive increase in fast food is one. I remember going to the only MacDonalds in central London in about 1980. I'd never heard of it before. There was nothing like it in my home town. Now there are several fast food places on every high street. Snacks are bigger, high fat and…
  • What age are they? If they are really young, there are some fun workouts online using toddlers and babies as your weights :smiley: D If they are older - get them involved with some body weight workouts and spend time with them doing physical things like cycling, swimming, trampolining, setting up obstacle races in the yard…
  • When I start to try and reduce weight I lose nothing at all for the first two weeks. Then a tiny loss in the third week - maybe half a pound. Then suddenly it's as if my body wakes up to the plan and the pounds start coming off. As rheddmobile says, in the early days you may have lost a pound a week of fat but it's not…
  • Please may I join you? Today JFT 7/16/21 1) Do bootcamp 2) Drink 2l of water 3) Take supplements (I keep forgetting) 4) Stay within calories through lots of fresh veg, berries and lean protein 5) Do some gardening/yardwork
  • That's a great one. I also love Gain confidence not weight. That has been so true of my weight loss journey so far. Stalled a bit recently but back on track and that is going into my list: Gain confidence and happiness not weight.
  • I heard a great one last night. I was at a really challenging bootcamp and some people were starting to rebel because it all felt like too much hard work on a really hot humid night. The instructor said, 'Remember why you're here.' It helped me focus on working out properly instead of rebelling - what's the point of…
  • What fantastic results and what a great attitude. I especially like your rule that there isn't an 'end' goal. This is life, how you now live it. I am going to focus on that.
  • Thank you. Those ratios are really helpful. Before workouts I would have a small amount of protein at breakfast (natural yoghurt) then maybe fish or chicken or cheese at lunch and then meat or eggs in the evening about three times a week. Now I am more likely to snack on protein.