Healthy recipes
Share some of your favorite healthy and delicious recipes with me
I don't know what the heck is going on with my body
Okay y'all probably can't help but I'm just very confused and frustrated I think anything will help. So last Friday or so I weighed myself and I was at 233. Sunday I weighed myself again and I was at 236 which I was expecting to go up....Saturday I ate a lot more junk food then I should have but I also walked a good 14000…
Fitness tracker
Hello. What fitness trackers come with apps that can be synced with the myfitnesspal app? I currently have a Fitbit but it's broken so many times I'm tired of super glueing it.
I can't lose it.
I've been working on losing weight on and off my whole life. Last year I lost 20 lbs within the first couple months then nothing for the rest of the year. Now I'm working out 3-5 times a week, drinking at least 50 oz of water a day (most of the time more), and trying to eat better. Since I'm in college and live on campus…
Broke college kid
Any meals/ food ideas for a broke college kid that I can buy for cheap or attempt to make at my dining hall. Besides salads and fruit (a bowl of fruit here cost $6)
Help with more weight loss
I've been working out since January and hit the 20 lbs mark about two weeks ago. Since then I've not only stopped losing but I've gained almost two lbs back. In still doing the same amount of working out that I did before and some days even more. I don't know what to do.
Only 4 months in
Started January 2nd and I've lost ~16 lbs so far. It's not a lot but I definitely have some face progress.
I need help
I'm not sure I can do this by myself anymore. I've been trying to lose weight since the beginning of the year. I lost 6lbs in 2 weeks, nothing the next two weeks, then I gained the 6 back the next two weeks. I'm finding myself doing less at the gym then when I started and I've always been bad at watching what I eat. I…
Incline on treadmill
How would I log walking at 2.8 on a treadmill at about a 2.5 incline? All they have is uphill at 3.5 which says I would have burned 600+ calories with the 60 minutes I did.....which I highly doubt.
What is a good sports bra for bigger people with big boob? I'm currently just wearing a bra with cheap sports bra over it because I need the support of the real bra but the ladies need to be strapped down by the sports bra. Help!
Can't breath
Sometimes when I exercise I feel like I can't get a full breath like I need/want to they just end up being shallow breaths and I'm left with a feeling of needing to fill my lungs all the way but can't.
Vitamins and what not????
Is there any type of vitamins or other things that I should be taking while trying to lose weight?
After work out headache
In the past week and a half I've been working out I've gotten a headache afterwards on many of the days. Has this happened to anyone else or does anyone know the cause/how to help this?
Getting started again
Hello All, I'm not new to this necessarily but I feel like I really need/want to get my butt in gear this time. What are some work out tips to starting and seeing progress? Anybody have any good work outs for a lazy 21ish year old female?
second.....or fifth-ish try....
Hello, I'm not new to this but this time I want to actually get my butt in gear before I go back to school. I'm a 20 (almost 21) year old female that wants to lose 50+ lbs by fall. The only motivation I have for myself is school and rewarding myself with a new tattoo after I get out of the 200s. I don't really have any…