Powder Water Mixes
Hey guys, curious question here. If I drink a glass of water with a little bit of Tang or Lemonade mix, is still one glass of water? Like does adding to the drink take away how well Im going to be hydrated on it? Im trying to include more water in my diet daily and cutting back on soda and anything with a crap ton of syrup…
Reaction GIF Depot
Post your favorite Reaction GIF's! Please keep it PG-13 haha Ill start out :D
Fold Up Bike or just Walk
Hey guys, Quick question. My girlfriend and I are lookin at buy this: http://www.amazon.com/Stowabike-Compact-Folding-Shimano-Bicycle/dp/B006JCUPVM We like to go for walks around the neighborhood but I was wondering, what would be more physical activity? Plain walking or using an urban bike for regular streets? (Fold up…
Do seasons effect typical activity and calorie burn?
Hey guys, givin you guys some content to thing over and discuss with me. Do you think activity during a certain season could sway gains or loses? Besides the typical "pig out for x holiday" and the usually laziness of a cold day. Would cold weather majorly effect your ability take a jog? Will trying to get warm burn…
Foods to fight depression and anxiety
Just curious what you guys recommend to help keep the effects of depression and anxiety at bay, provided I live a healthy lifestyle. Maybe even some tips on foods to avoid that might provoke it?
Not All Body Scales Are Created Equally
So I currently co-own a Fitbit Aria scale. Love it, it moves the data around happily so I don't have to BUT in my long time of being fat I've noticed a few things. Scales aren't all the same! and this bugs the daylights out of me. My family has two scales (for some reason). The analog scale would tell me im 280 while the…
Music For Running
Hey Guys, Looking for suggestions for good music for running. High beats per minute song titles from dubstep, pop, alternative rock or really anything except country lol On your mark, Get set, Go!
Removal of liguid calories or any other good small step ideas?
I keep falling off the band wagon and I think its because of HUGE changes. So I wanted to set a small goal for myself. My goal is to cut back on high calorie/low micro drinks. I was wondering if you see this as a right step or side step. My daily cals seem to be at 2500-3000 but I haven't log in a while. Quick notes too: I…
Dragon Age Inqusition or Assassins Creed 3
1/4th the way through Dragon Age and Half way through Assassins Creed, Dunno which one to play lol
How much does skin weigh?
Properly spread skin on a person, how much of there weight would skin be? Completely curious.
Bodys Reaction to Throw Up Veggies
This topic was created and deleted a couple days ago inside of another thread. Its an interesting topic and I wanted to know other peoples insight in the matter. So you've all seen the videos online, kids throwing up there veggies and what not. Its kinda interesting because the kid literally cant keep something healthy in…
Add me: Shadowraven9
Favorite Video Game?
My all time favorite is Fallout 3 but I also have a certain place in my heart for Guild Wars 1 and 2. The perfect way to tell a story in a game. Perfect.
Need help staying up on the horse :/
Hey guys. So some of you might recognize me, some might not. But I have a couple things to mention and ask advice for. I have issues sticking with a routine related to fitness (and school but lets not get into that) My issues include: 1) Find the motiviation to keep logging 2) Keep the rotation for working out in mind day…
Help changing my perspective of weight loss
Hey guys, So today I have topic that MAY stir up some debate so if I may politely ask to just keep everything productive as I am merely pondering a random thought. So when I was younger, I was told "Don't miss a meal, it will throw off your entire metabolism" which could very well just be an unproven wives-tale or could be…
Major Weekly Budget (with Health in mind!)
Hey guys, So I have racked up quite the credit debt right now (readi cash is SO easy to spend!) Whats nice is the interest rate is low but its still a major chunk of change owed. So I thinking of imposing a budget cut from $50 a week for food to only $20 a week. My idea is to change out pack of uncooked chicken and making…
Any personal reviews on Cellucor HD?
Hey guys, now that the product has been on the market for a while, does any one have any log term testimonials on the success of Cellucor HD? I have it but I took it so infrequently when I first got it, it isn't giving the results that maybe it should? I JUST started taking it again, not because of a cool down period but…
Revamped my idea of a good routine! Crique me please :)
Hey guys! *Waves* I was that guy askin for help yesterday: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10182403/someone-review-my-weekly-gym-routine/p1 So I did some thinkin and I had an idea... The general consensuses is that maybe I should lose weight before I build muscle, not do them at the same time equally. So…
For all the non believers, Cutting back on junk food matters so much!
For my 100th Post, Ill talk about my success so far! Im a 5'9, 24 year old male. I once weighed a consistent 275, My worst was 282 and at this current moment I am 264. I just wanted to let people know you CAN do it! The first week you try to cut back it will be hard, but it worth it. In the last 2 weeks I see a huge lose…
Constant need to clear throat after a meal, even small meals
Hey guys, As I'm continuing my fitness adventure, I have a new question on my mind. What is the cause and why do I have the need to clear my throat of mucus after I eat? Like today I had some yogurt and Im finding myself coughing and clearing my throat very frequently. Another time I notice is when I eat dense meals like…