In July of 2014 I saw a picture of myself and started bawling (left side). I rarely cry, and I was absolutely sobbing. I was huge and had never been bigger. I decided to make a change right then and there. I had tried a few things that were "working" throughout the summer and fall but I wasn't getting the results I needed.…
In 2009 I found out I had Celiac. As much as this sucked (feisty Italian right here, love me some pasta) I was finally feeling better once I changed my diet. Two days ago I found out I'm highly allergic to eggs! Both chicken and duck eggs. Booo. I eat two hard boiled eggs almost every day (which is why I was also feeling…
ADVICE PLEASE! Yesterday I had no voice and a sore throat. I thought it was from losing my voice over the weekend at a volleyball tournament. Today I woke up and feel like crap. Sore throat, ear ache, fatigue, cold all the time. I have my first half marathon on the 12th of April and am afraid to miss any of my scheduled…
I got out of a long-term relationship a year and a half ago. I started online dating but that did not end well. I saw one guy for about 4 months before he told me "I just need to focus on my selfish years", another guy ended up being married, and there were lots of men just looking for physical interactions... We were…
I have been training for a half marathon for the past few months and recently have started getting a weird pain where my leg meets my hip. Its in the front (not on the outside) and in a very specific vertical spot. This also only happens on the left side, no issues on the right. It feels super tight and sore anytime after…