For 3 years I have been dieting and exercising. Never lose weight. I bought a new scale and it turns out my last one was broken so I didnt lose the 6lbs I thought I lost. Can you all guarantee me that if I ate alot less id lose weight? There is a chance im eating too much but also there is a chance im not eating enough…
So I lost 15lbs in about 7weeks. The weird thing is that the last 10lbs came off in about a week. Suddenly I cannot lose anymore. I haven't lost a pound in a week. Is this it for me? I'm at 225 and would be happy just to get to 200
So I'm ready to have a breakdown here. This is my issue. No matter what I do and what I eat I can only lose 10lbs every time I attempt to lose weight. For the past 2 years I have tried to lose weight 6 times and everytime I lose the 10 I give up after another month of not losing anything else. What am I doing wrong?? I am…
I feel like giving up but I'm not. I am a 31yr old male. I am 6'0 227lbs. I eat 1800calories a day. I've been dieting for 35days now and lost 8lbsproblem. problem is I haven't lost any weight in almost 2 weeks. This is the 4th time in 3 years that this has happend when I diet. I lose about 8lbs then nothing comes off. What…