First ever bulk
Haven't posted in a while. Last time it was when I did my first ever cut and dropped to 10% body fat. I stripped stubborn fat but had no lean muscle so looked skinny as hell! Made small gains halfway through my first bulk.
Leg day
i don't skip it yet they don't seem to be growing like my upper body. What's best, high weight low reps or low weight high reps? Also could you give some advice in what's best for legs to grow? Either food, supplements, types of cardio for legs like spinning or sprinting and types of excerises.
90 day weight loss
i set myself 12 weeks to get healthier and trim down. I was sick of feeling sluggish, bloated, tired and unattractive. Day 1: Day 89: I learnt a lot about supplements, training, food and will power. I wish I strength trained from the start in order to maintain more muscle but sadly I went cardio big the first 5 weeks. I'm…
A fellow mfp user suggested I have 20 pounds to lose for my abs to be seen. This sounds pretty high to me. Thoughts?
Feeling dishearten
I have been on this 90 day weight lose / lean muscle journey and today marks 11 days left. I really thought I'd have more ab visibility by now. I can feel it's hard to the touch.
A fellow mfp user suggested I have 20 pounds to lose for my abs to be seen. This sounds pretty high to me. Thoughts?
14 days left of my first cut
Honestly a bit bummed. Thought I'd have better ab definition but oh well. Might ramp up the last few days
Hi I'm Dan
im doing a 90 day challenge to drop weight and build lean muscle. I've done a few posts so search for me here or look me up on Instagram: imdanshort1
11.2 pounds down!
70 day change
Bulk vs cut
is it easier to cut then bulk or bulk then cut?
Day 70 of 90
I can feel a big change in myself when it comes to endurance and personal best now I'm 20 days away but when I started this 90 day challenge my main focus was lose the gut then build. Oh how silly I was. I wasted time burning fat where I could have strength trained from day 1. Sadly I lost a bit of muscle definition in the…
Getting ready for the summer!
Helps with abs
I've been reducing body fat and doing ab exercises but only seem to be getting results on my sides. Advice?
Great pump with no-xplode tonight!
really feel it helped even if people say it's a placebo. Curious if others have tried it and what flavour they prefer
New healthy eating APP
Eating Smart - Dairy Free, Gluten Free and Vegan Recipes & Ideas by Time Inc. (UK) Ltd https://appsto.re/gb/PZBp6.i Just downloaded it and it seems really good. Thought I'd share
Great new app for healthy eating
Eating Smart - Dairy Free, Gluten Free and Vegan Recipes & Ideas by Time Inc. (UK) Ltd https://appsto.re/gb/PZBp6.i You get a few free recipes or you can download sections for 99p. Dairy free, gluten free and vegan.
Abs this evening
any excercise suggestions?
Feeling leaner everyday!
48 days in
43 days in!
clean eating and excercise!
6 pack for once
on a 42 day streak atm and I'm finding it really hard to shift lower belly fat. I have lowered calories and upped my excercise and as a result lost weight so much so you can see a faint outline of abs but as a result my ribs are showing a bit. My plan was to strip back the weight and then when I up my calories again I…
Mini pot belly
I have a mini pot belly going on. Apart from sticking with my lower calories and exercise is there anything else I can do?
Updated pictures
Updated progress
Advice needed
I have been trying to lose fat lately with calorie reduction and added fitness. 15,000 steps a day and weight training. I can't seem to get rid of any lower an fat. Any advice?
Anyone from Richmond Upon Thames?
i have used this APP for a while but never the community side of it. I'm planning to do some of the 5/10k's in Richmond park this summer. Anyone from the are?