Which food worked for you as a diuretic to lose exces water weight aside from the familiar ones we all know like water melons cucumbers etc .. I mean like unusual food or mixes that helped you in a short time period to lose weight
Im 26 years old im 5.4 ft i really wish im 2 inches taller im just wondering is there anything that can be done at this point ❓❓ i really never had any issues before with this but ive been trying on wedding dresses those past few days since my wedding is 2 months away
I live in jordan ..for you guys who dont know where that is ..my country comes near by lebanon which Amal is from u know that hot middle eastren girl George cloony ended up marrying lol anyway pleased to have new friends here add me please
You guys .. Whats the best workout that worked for you that corrected your posture .. Those long hours on my study desk are starting to show .. My job as a dentist is making it even worse Is there a quick fix for this ❓❗
Since yesterday it appears i have lost 4 pounds while the day befor yesterday i gained like 5 pounds i assure you my scale is accurate what could be happening!!
I've been working out for 3 days today i tried yoga for the first time ever and my body is sore all over .. Please tell me it gets better with time .. I got tired in like 15 minutes im out fittness im only 26 years old is that normal !!
I always keep hearing about stuff like green tea i just neve felt they made any difference am i using it wrong .. What should i have that really works
I pleased im actually losing weight even though its just my third day with this app but i feel positive that logging in and keeping track of my food diary actually works i hope i could keep it up without cheeting lol
This app is great but chatting here sucks and it takes forever for me to get my msgs .. Hope they solve this issue
Off to work out B)
Counting every little thing and not letting food win #its war now
Wish me luck :smiley: