Compete myself
I try to compete myself by improving laps time from day to day. I also perform yoga and treadmill to support my stamina. What about you..
Aqua Aerobic
Hi, I just started my aerobic drill and utilize myfitnesspal application since 1.5 months ago. My package is controlling callories under 1,500 and burn them by swimming and jogging. Already 2 kgs lost and abdoment ring gradually reduced. But need more effort to maintain and continue the progress. Sometimes up and down…
Multivitamins & Food supplement
Do we need to consume multivitamins and food supplement everyday if we combining callorie control with physical exercise? Some people advise me to do that. Please for your suggestion or opinion..thanks. :)
Swim sweet swim
I feel moments of flying and gliding in the water are really sensational and recreational. Everyday I like to swim, never bored. Swimming for me is power booster at pre office hour, relaxation at rest hour, and stress relief at post office our. Why do feel swimming so sweet for you?
Cardio and weight...
Hi...my favourite workouts are swimming, biking, yoga, and qi gong. A nice guy in our community advised me to do weight so besides such cardios. Could you advised us some sample of simple weights, is push up included? How weight can help our weight loss program? Thanks.
Diet during illness
When we are getting illness, can we increase the callories target say from 1500 to 2000. Or should we pause the weight loss program temporarily until getting well. Pls advise.
Why up and down.
Hi, I just confuse when I weighed on scales it changes up and down. For example In the morning my scales shows 300g weight loss, but night increase 800g, even I kept my callories limit and did some exercises. Is it normal and why it happens ? Pls advice the correct time to weigh in...morning/afternoon..everyday/week..?…
why callories control, not fat?
Hi,can someone advice? Why the application for controlling callories rather than fat ? Because my plan is to reduce weight and burn fat. Thx