I always use the sauna BEFORE my workout so I sweat and get in "that zone" for working out but I've been plateauing really hard for nearly a year now and people have been saying it's because water leaving the muscle before workout such and such and it leaves you gassed before your workout or something. That's why I quit…
Questions on muscle building
Hello, I've read countless ARTICLES and random people saying nutrient timing doesnt matter but even on a bulk... this didnt make sense to me because muscle protein synthesis aka the body building the muscle happens 24/7 or just when you're not actively lifting or being kn a catholic state. So why do people claim that you…
Is it possible to dirty bulk on intermittent fasting protocol? It seems like it would work and that it would actually be better for the mind and body since you won't suffer the consequences of normal eating schedule with dirty bulking while on IF you can still feel like you're dirty bulking but you won't get as fat. Goal:…
Is my friend on steroids?
So I'm afraid to ask my friend because she was very obese/chunky before and then I didnt see her for like nearly a year, maybe 3/4 of a year but anyways she came back and she looked as skinny as the average Korean or Japanese woman. Later I found out she went super low on calorie deficits and ate very little. However now,…
So which is the most important for muscle building and retaining? I know protein plays this role but is it possible to bulk significantly on a somewhat calorie deficit so long as you hit or exceed your protein goal( 1g per pound) I know carbs fuel your workouts and fats just satiate you but why is a calorie surplus…
Is Laxogenin or this Supplement considered a steroid?
So https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/primeval-labs-primavar.html Is this 1). Safe for 18 year olds? 2). Does it make you "not natty" aka considered as an enhanced lifter? 3). Is this a steroid? 4). Would you take it? 5). Why or Why not?
Sorry for asking but...
I think I may have indirectly asked this before but can someone please explain to me the whole thing about having cheat meals or a cheat day after a very heavy and intense weight training? Something about your muscle receptors being primed and your insulin very sensitive so it uses the extra calories more for muscle than…
Questions about fitness
Is it better to eat small but adequate protein postworkout and then eat a big meal hours later before bed or is it better to eat a lot postworkout and eat little a bit later closer before bedtime? My goal isn't weight loss but I'm trying to limit fat gains. Or is it just calories in vs calories out? But then I heard some…
Questions about lean bulking
As you guys can tell from my previous posts, a basic summary of me is that I was a previously extremely fat guy but lost more than what I wanted to and am now wanting to gain weight. But the good type of weight. Henceforth, I also have a severe paranoia of getting fat again even though I know that bulking means gaining…
Just sat here wondering. I know both are unhealthy, but if someone were to choose between a local Chinese buffet and a Golden Corral, which would be better. My choice was Chinese because golden corral, the calories on their web is super high and well Chinese cuisine I just use the basic guideline of avoid fried
Lots of questions. Feel free to answer as preferred (SORRY)
I overheard a trainer say the other day that cardio is not the same in regards to the amount of calories you have ingested. What I think he meant by that is that you burn more calories with the more excess, well not excess but, more calories you have ready to use in your system. This is to the extreme but it is a serious…
CleN bulk cheat day rest day
I'm currently trying to lean bulk with minimal fat gains. How bad would an all you can eat buffet be on a resting non training day? Today's supposed to be leg day but I'm not sure how my schedules going to foil out considering it's getting late
Really disappointed about my workout
I know this is one day but it might go on and not to mention I didnt workout 3 days straight when I usually do 6 times a week. I had some Tabasco on my eggs but I usually have eggs and banana which is normal for my stomach but that Tabasco hurt my stomach so bad that I could only give 25% effort on my workout. My first…
Tdee calculator PAL
So I've made posts regarding calories but then I was lingering on the Physical activity factor for the calculators. For example when they say moderately active vs active, what's the difference? They just mention exercise. And on my previous post, a man said he was considered active category even though he didnt work out…
Calories and teenage yeara
Coming as a previous endomorph and extremely obese guy, I've slimmed down to about 14% bf but now I'm trying to bulk since mid October 2018... however my strength has stalled and from my last post u can see that I think I lost muscle. Now I have a phobia of returning back to the fat guy partially and so i wanted to smart…
Muscle loss???
I'm actually panicking right now. For the past 2 weeks my muscles have suddenly dropped in size and at first I thought it was glycogen but now whenever I flex or feel myself, as weird as it may sound, I am so flat! Especially my chest. It's like a board.... I even lost weight when trying to bulk. Could it be because of my…
Really stupid experiment I saw on YouTube
Theres a video on YouTube which got deleted I think but basically this guy takes like 20,000 steps a day and works out I think it was a 4-5 day split but then he wanted to do this thing where he’s active like mentioned above for 6/7 days while eating in a deficit, and then on the 7th day he literally stayed in bed or just…
Community of macro friendly recipes
So I thought I would just make a post where we can share recipes that are Low carb Low fat Macro friendly and/or high volume. I also would appreciate recipe websites or instagram profiles like @flexibledietinglifestyle on Instagram. And theres a couple websites like bigmansworld com where recipes are low carb and sometimes…
How do you make instant microwave oatmeal with water to be thicker and yet be more voluminous? I just ran out of cinnamon and that was my main source of thickener. Advice much appreciated
Experienced sharp pain midway warmup squats
I did my typical warmup routine for leg day with the front and side kicks with straight knee and then pre exhausted my quads like normal on the leg extension machine and then proceeded to squats like normal. However, on my I think 3rd warmup set, as soon as i unracked the bar I THINK I locked my right knee or both but for…
Am I even Human?
So what's weird is that I lifted for about 2 years now. Possibly a bit more. I started out pretty heavy and about 30% bf according to machines Now I'm lighter and lower bodyfat. For the past months I've been trying to bulk on an intermittent fasting protocol and I'm pretty sure my body weight is increasing and my physique…
A follow up to my last question
Just a theory but I know supplements can cause water retention so could this The most recent gain of 5 pounds could that be from this pre workout? https://www.amazon.com/Six-Star-Explosion-Powerful-Intensity/dp/B073VX6GXP I dont know if pre workouts cause water retention?
Bulking weight gain initial
Is it true that you usually gain a decent amount of weight on a bulk st the start and especially the more you bulk, the more your body tends to retain more water ? Heres my weight fluctuation after my workouts. I do intermittent fasting while trying to bulk because 1). I hate having to be a servant to food scales, and…
Where did this weight come from? Poop,water,food weight, muscle, or fat?
So AFTER my workouts, I usually weigh anywhere ranging from 153-155 (sometimes 156). This is on average after I started my "I think I'm lean bulking phase". However for the past 3-4 days and today, my weight skyrocket to high 157's to 159 I think. And I dont think I ate too much sodium or something I'm not aware of that…