Scale won't budge
HELP! I recently lost 10# and several inches. I've started exercising every morning and some evenings as well. I set my calories to 1400 and have been on track since I set my mind to doing this again. Recently, I had a cheat day (well over 2000 calories) and gained 2#. I cannot get these 2# to come off and the scale won't…
Does anyone have any good websites similar to Beach Body for DVD's, etc? I'm very frustrated with the customer service (or lack thereof) from Beach Body but love the different DVDs and supplements they offer. Suggestions??
Diet Coke Alternative
Hi, my name's Carrie and I'm addicted to Diet Coke. With everything I've read about it I know how bad it is for you and am trying desperately to cut it out. I drink a LOT of water at my desk all day long. But during meals I like to change it up a bit. I used to get Diet Coke with my lunch but now I'm trying to find a good…
I can't fight this feeling
I know I've posted about this topic before but how do I fight ongoing depression? I refuse to get on prescription meds again since they make me gain weight. My weight is a contributing factor to my depression. In all reality, I know I'm not HUGE (5'5" - 166) but I'm bigger than I want to be. I'm so stressed with some…
Finding A Personal Trainer
How do I find Personal Trainers in my area? Phone book has nothing and a Google search wasn't much more help.
Question About Trainers
I have a friend who is a Personal Trainer (just getting started and building her business). She offered to train me on a barter program. The problem with this is 1. we are good friends and our training sessions have become "b*&^ sessions" (mostly on her part..lol). 2. I'm not paying her so there really is no obligation of…
Knee Surgery
I just had a knee scope done last week which has put me out of commission for a while. I damaged my knee during the time that I originally lost 25 pounds. I've since gained back almost every single pound due from not working out. While the doctor was doing the scope he informed me that I have pretty severe arthritis. He…
Personal Trainer??
Do any of you use a personal trainer? Is it worth the money? I have almost a full gym in my basement but very little time to use it. I find it helpful if I have someone to keep me accountable but don't know if shelling out $100+ is worth it. Have any of you hired a personal trainer?
Bad Knees
Seems that my knees are getting worse every day. I've been doing the elliptical which is easy on my knees. I also have a BowFlex for arms, etc. What can I do for lower body that doesn't involve too much pressure on my knees. Squats HURT, leg lifts hurt, anything that really involves me bending my knee with any kind of…
Tummy bulge
Baseball season has started which leaves me little time for exercise. I have a Fitbit which keeps track of steps walked and stairs climbed, etc. I try to make my goal of 10,000 steps and 10 flights of steps every day. In addition I've started doing 75-100 squats and wall pushups (25 at a time during breaks). I'm starting…
Sugar Help
What is a good sugar "goal"? I go over on my sugars every day...even when I eat the healthiest. I'm not a HUGE sugar addict but I don't like bland, tasteless food either. Do I need to worry about this number as much if my calories and carbs are in line? I get so confused with all these numbers. HELP!
Question about Pushups
I can do at least 30-40 girly pushups without breaking a sweat with no problem. But when I do real pushups my quads HURT. My QUADS? The only reason I have to drop to my knees is because of my legs, not my arms. What am I doing wrong? The same thing with doing planks. My legs hurt before my stomach does. What can I do so I…
Would you be hurt?
So my husband and I and our daughter went on vacation with my mother in law, brother in law and nephew. Both kids are 5. We went to his aunts condo in Florida and then my mother in law paid for a trip to Disney World for us. We even went to Disney on my birthday! Sounds perfect, right? Hmm... So for the first three days my…
I'm looking for help.... I've been on this site for quite while now and was doing an excellent job (down 25#!!). I cut back on my alcohol consumption and felt GREAT! I was working out 5-7 times a week erither in my basement or at the gym. Then life got in the way. Summer is always the busiest time of year for us as three…
Healthy Snacks
Help! I have a dish full of candy on my desk. Typically I find I can avoid the sweets (I make sure to buy things I don't like..lol). But I still get hungry in the afternoon and typically forget to pack any snacks. I've decided to go to the grocery store at lunch today and buy some healthy snacks. The problem is that I…
NSV Fitness Test Results!!
So as some of my friends know I participated in a Fitness Test several weeks back. I was nervous because I hadn't exercised in several weeks prior to the test and was at my platteau weight-wise. I just got my results back last night!! Not too shabby for a 40 year old mother of 4: Jackson-Pollock Pinch Fat% = Score of…
Ideas Please?
I am hosting a Bible Study at my house tonight. I have about 30 minutes to prepare appetizers. I have to stop at the grocery store on my way home to pick some things up. The problem is I have no idea what to serve. I have Chex Mix at home (high fat and sodium), I have carrots, I have WINE! What are some different ideas…
Skinny Waist
I just saw a picture of myself from St. Patricks Day. While I've lost 25# (still have at least 10 more to go), I thought I was looking halfway decent. But in this pic I look like a tube. No waist, no boobs, etc. I used to have a waist (if not boobs..lol), I used to rock a bikini like nobody could. In fact, my profile pic…
LOST My motivation. I can't find it anywhere. I was doing so well...down 22# in a few months. Then BAM..I stopped working out. I've still been doing well(ish) in the diet area but haven't been able to lose anymore weight. I've maintained, however, which is good. But I really want to lose the last 15# by swimsuit season.…
Fish Fry
So I "volunteered" to work the Fish Fry at my daughter's school this past Friday. The 8th grade class is earning money for the field trip this spring. I have never been more disgusted in my life with the kitchen practices. There is a high end caterer who has exclusive rights to the kitchen in the school. Its "their"…
Breakfast: Better to eat junk or skip?
Today I had one of those mornings. We've all had them: woke up 10 minutes late and everything that could go wrong did. So instead of the extra 10-20 minutes I usually have to make myself breakfast, I found I was now running about 10 minutes behind. Had to rush out the door to get the kids to school. So I found myself…
I've been at the same weight (give or take a pound) for about a month now. I've tried increasing my calories from 1200/day to 1500/day for an entire week. When I went back down to 1200/day I lost 1 pound almost immediately and its remained stagnant again. I work out at least 3 times a week (various strength training DVDs…
Ready to Cry!
Sorry for being so negative but I'm about at my frustration limit and need to get it out of my system! It started last night when my 15 year old started to pick a fight with me for something stupid. I know she's a hormonal teenage girl but some days she's more difficult than others. Then my 14 year old tells me that her…
Eat more...scared
So I've been reading alot of posts about eating more than 1200 calorie diet if you only need to lose 10-15lbs and making sure you eat your exercise calories back. I have to tell you I'm scared to death to do this. In my experience, I don't lose unless I exercise without eating the calories back. I'm down about 21lbs right…
Hairy or Clean?
I have to admit I LOVE a hairy chest. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy looking at ripped, buff guys who "manscape", but when it comes to snuggling up with my man, I LOVE to lay my head in his furry chest. Ladies, am I in the minority here? What do you think?
Push ups
I've been working out alot. I am doing 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 in addition to some others. I have a hard time with "real" pushups. I've been doing the girly kind. I can do about 25-30 that way but find I can only do about 10 full pushups. So my question is this: should I work on the "real" push ups or are my girly…
Lunch Ideas
HELP!! I work M-F and typically go out for lunch. I have brought food to the office but found it helps my mental state more to get away from the office for an hour. My typical lunch is Subway. Today I am SO sick of Subway..ugh! What kind of fast foodish lunch can I get that is fairly healthy and still 300-400 but filling?…
Ok...here is my question: As of this morning I have lost 22 pounds (although I don't officialy weigh in until Friday..lol). I KNOW my body has changed. I am able to fit into clothes that I haven't worn in ages and some of those clothes are too big. I've gone down 2 pants sizes at least and my face is even different. I see…
Stupid Question
So, I have lost 17 pounds so far and have gone from a size 14 jean to a size 10. So how many pants sizes have I dropped? I have assumed it would be 2 sizes (since womens jeans run in even numbers only). But, speaking with some friends who have also dropped weight I think they refer to losing pant sizes by 2's. So, in other…
Two NSV's this weekend!!
I am so excited!! So Sunday I decided I was going to wear dress pants to work. I got a pair out that I haven't worn in years because they were so tight on me. I put them on and viola...they actually fit. In fact, they are almost too big!! Second NSV...I was getting my pajamas on last night and my husband told me that my…