Very strong wind woke me up
Its been going for 39 min or so, i hate being up at 3 like this. What's gong on MFP?
Ok, one more for you food experts who like to look at diarie
Please take a look at mine for the last couple of days and tell me three things you think I should add/change. Pretty please?
It's not a success story yet, so I out this here..thanks!
Good morning everyone! This time a week ago I was searching for tools to help me track and measure my diet, weight, and exercise. Weighing the most I've ever weighed and deciding to do something about it, I found MFP, ecstatic about the tools, but over the course of last weekend, realized it was more. Now here I am, a…
Anybody watching "Rebuilding Ground Zero?"
it's on Discovery
I went nuts today and burned a bunch
now my calves and thighs are really warm. I'm tired, am sore, and my legs don't really hurt, just warm. Thought it was odd. Thoughts?
Oh man. Random but frustrating topic. Though insignificant
got my haircut today. So, as a man, these things ought to take 15 min maximum! Unles you're doing something with it or maybe it's long, I don't know. Avg haircut for me over the years has been 10 or so, the quicker the better, today was different. First day on the job, hands shaking, obvious effort to make conversation.…
I like big...
butts and i cannot lie Something weird happened yesterday. Went to HH with friends, which is not weird, and had only three beers which is weird. Then a friend came over who I use to date and we drank a bottle of la crema Pinot and caught up. She spent the night and... Nothing happened. So the weird parts are: She recently…
Genetics vs determination?
so I have a beer belly, and it was well earned. I love beer and wine. Anyway All the men in my family have one as well, but I noticed something curious years ago. My three uncles, all baptist ministers, who don't drink at all, also have the pot bellies. Am I destined to always have this One Pack?
Hey a new HSV! Wait, no, I mean NSV!
short story: Worked my *kitten* off the last two days, check the diary. Drove passed Wendy's and love the spicy chicken combo, passed. Long story: Read the above really slowly.
Ok. Worked my TAIL off today. Need your vote on something..
I want a glass or two of wine. Yes or no? Tell me why. I burned >2000 today.
You guys are motivating. I need some motivation.......tomorr
I have the day off and plan to blow it out. I'm going to do this today: > incline chest on the bench > chest flys on an exercise ball. > 30 minutes of P90 (Fat burning DVD) > treadmill for an hour on iFit's level 4 (iFit controls the speed and incline) > stationary bike for an hour on a hill level, burns around 600 cals…
Not an endorsement at all, a question
Has HealtyTrim worked for anyone here? Really?
Hi. New guy here!
oh man. A couple of weeks or so ago, I stepped on the scale for the first time in a while. 192 lbs. Boom. I'm 5'8" so that's a lot for my height. I have several days of fun due to my brother's bday and I hop on the scale again, 199.8!!!!! Time to do something. I've been working out at least two hours a day recently and…
Morning smoothie
Blue Smoothie - Blue and Black Berry Smoothie. With Lecithin, Non Fat Milk, Non Fat Yogurt 1/2 cup each of all the ingredients with a tea spoon of the lecithin. Sometimes I add 1/2 a frozen banana. I bag all the frozen berries in a ziplock and put it in the fridge the night before so they defrost. If I'm alone, I use a…
Anyone else watching "Curiosity" on Discovery?