Race to a 500 pound deadlift
Wanted to see if anyone wants to get in on this. There were some similar threads on bb.com and it was fun watching videos and seeing people make progress. I'm sitting at 430x5 right now. Gonna go for a heavy single next week.
Bmont's Cube Method Log
I recently picked up Brandon Lilly's Cube Method and wanted to post up what my training looks like, because I've gotta quite a few questions about the programming over the last couple months. I ran the program the best I could figure out before the material came out, now I have the book and also managed to get a look at an…
5 ways to get stronger
One year of heavy lifting and eating
My success story isn't neccessarily the same as most. I've always been a pretty small guy and wanted to put on weight to get stronger for my sport (powerlifting). This is from last spring: (march 2011) 155 pounds This week: 182 pounds Really happy with my progress so far. Might not be ideal to some, but I set a goal and I…
Gear or Raw?
Wondering how many of you guys (and girls) compete raw or how many use gear. And what your numbers/ training looks like. I've been training/competing raw, but just recently baught a Titan F6 and a Titan Superior squat suit.
Everyone's numbers/routine
Figured it would be nice to see what everyone is doing. What they're taking. What they're goals are. And how much weight they're moving. Supps: My staples are creatine mono, fish oil, and a good multi. I'm also taking a fiber supp. BSN Hyper FX preworkout. and whey protein as I see fit. Routine: 5 3 1. Using Bench, squat,…
Words of Wisdom for Men
Wendlers latest Q&A article: Question: I’m a novice lifter coming off starting strength soon, and I want to move into a 5/3/1 program (I’ve already purchased the e-book). Unfortunately, I’ve put on quite a bit of noticeable fat during my SS time. My question is this: is it possible to eat at a caloric deficit on deload…
Rocket Science
Everyone seems to be overthinking this whole excercise thing. This is mainly for the guys, but this will save you hours of asking stupid questions, and months of wasted time jumping programs. First off, NO, you don't want to look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. He was 155 pounds, had a fake tan, good lighting, and had a pump…
Box Jumps
Anyone around here do box jumps to improve your speed/explosiveness? Not directly bodybuilding related, but I know this is a pretty open group.
new blog i posted that I wanted to share
http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ilovedeadlifts/view/what-you-want-to-do-vs-what-you-need-to-do-168366 Wrote this earlier today. And I wish I would have read this a couple years ago when I first started. I read a similar point a while back from an article and it really put things into perspective for me.