I weigh my foods, but I find the info on the cans confusing. For instance, canned tuna--I drain the liquid out and then weigh it. The can states 1/4 cup (56g). So I weigh out the 56g and I'm eating almost the entire can when there is supposed to be 2 servings--and also comes out to more than 1/4 cup. So when they give the…
I have been doing very well with my calories and weight loss, a good steady pace. I rarely eat out, at home everything has a label and I have a food scale so my calorie count is very accurate--for the most part. Today I found myself being a little obsessive though and had to just chill out! It was bad enough I had a slice…
I dislike getting the starvation mode warning when I am only a little under. Today I was 60 calories under--would you try to find something around 60 calories to eat? Would it be better to be say 20-50 calories over your goal instead of 60 calories under? It's so few that I'm not really that concerned but was wondering…
I didn't realize how much I was depriving myself of certain things until I weighed them on my food scale. Cheese oh cheese--how I've missed you. When measuring out a 1/4 cup of shredded cheese I was going lightly, when I actually measured the 28g out I got more that I thought. Same with the 85 grams of lettuce. It made a…
I have always known when I am getting my period because I get terrible cramps just before. Since I have been dieting and exercising regularly, my past two periods have surprised me due to NO cramps beforehand. This is only the second time I have gotten it since the birth of my new baby--he is 31/2 months old--so maybe my…