thank you food scale

ssmom Posts: 128 Member
I didn't realize how much I was depriving myself of certain things until I weighed them on my food scale. Cheese oh cheese--how I've missed you. When measuring out a 1/4 cup of shredded cheese I was going lightly, when I actually measured the 28g out I got more that I thought. Same with the 85 grams of lettuce. It made a nice big salad. Although I must say weighing out nuts proves to be a very small portion. So glad I am using my scale and getting more accurate portions.


  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Ah cheese - Try to fin Cabot Reduced Fat PepperJack Cheese in you stores. One ounces is only 70 calories. I think it taste as good as regular pepperjack.

    I shred it and melt it over my grilled chicken, or eat it alone. Very nice.

    Oh Yeah - food scales are da bomb!! (do they still say that??)
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Cheese in particular amazes me! I love parmesan and I swear it really weighs nothing at all. YAY!!!
  • SassyMissDasha
    Cheese yum!!! Food scales are awesome ..
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    Funny, I was just talking about my food scale to some friends earlier today.

    Believe it or not, i'm pretty good at eyeballing an ounce of cheese. I've found that measuring cups (1/4c = 1 oz ) are pretty accurate, as long as you are not jamming the cheese in there.

    I found i was seriously underestimating my protein (mostly chicken). what i thought was 5 or 6 oz was ususally less than 4 or @ 4.25 oz instead.

    Cereal, on the other hand...:frown: measuring cups..not so accurate. if you're not using a scale, i suggest lowering the serving size by at leasat 1/4c to get closer to the calorie count on the box. for example, i love kashi go lean crunch. but 3/4 cup was actually 53g (the box says 1 serving is 1 cup/53g) and therefore 180 cals. if i just used the measuring cup, i was eating close to 60 extra cals, not to mention the extra sugar (something i track).

    Oh, and peanut butter and almond butter has to be weighed out. I pack way more into a tablespoon, otherwise.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I love my digital food scale--its one of the best purchases I have made!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Ah, the food scale, how I love thee!!! Weighing out salad was a huge eye opener. Cheese as well. I've now gotten to where I weigh out peanut butter and avocado. With peanut butter, I've found it is easy to put too much on my tablespoon and convince myself "oh, it's only a tablespoon" when in reality it is really a tablespoon and a half. But if I weigh it out, I am not cheating myself or overindulging. Also, measuring out stuff like rice and cereal is iffy with measuring cups. When I first started out (before I bought a scale), I was PACKING my measuring cups to cram in as much as possible into whatever the measurement was. In reality, I was getting way more than what was called for. With my scale, I can really see just how much one cup, etc. is and adjust other items on my plate to allow for more or less...(I'm talking to you mac and cheese :smooched: )

    My family thinks I'm OCD about my food...they are more of the pile and run, while it takes me 20 minutes to build a salad, but in the end it is all worth it.