ssmom Member


  • I have this same HRM...for about 3 weeks now. I love it! I have found that the treadmill and the bike I burn more than the machine says, but on the elliptical and the arc trainer I burn less than the machine says. It is good to know because I was using the elliptical and arc trainer more thinking they were doing more for…
  • yes...and I don't know why either! I've tried looser shoes and tighter shoes but I think it's form. I tend to bounce a little and put weight on my toes. If I think about it and try putting my weight on my heels the tingling goes away. Best of luck because I know it is VERY annoying!
  • my rice says a serving size is 1/4 cup 1 cup cooked makes 4 servings. I did this the other day and I have a food scale that I weighed it on and then split into 4 equal servings. If you don't have a scale you can always try eyeballing it or use half cup to start splitting into 4. Rice and noodles are confusing. My…
    in White Rice Comment by ssmom January 2012
  • Exercise!!!! And when I want to eat something completely BAD I find someone to share it with...or try to eat only half. In some cases though even half is still too much...
  • All I can say is try to share everything! The food is so rich that the only way I survive it is to share with my kids or my husband. Take minimal when you can just for a taste and drink lots of water. Good luck! I know it's going to be really difficult.
  • I am absolutely addicted to food and worse wasting food. I will eat food just for the sake of not wasting it...even if it doesn't taste all that great! I'm working on it, but it's hard. Good luck!
  • baby steps! Start with making yourself do one thing, a 10 minute walk is not much to start with but it's better than nothing. And better food choices! Every little bit counts and you can keep adjusting as you move along. Good luck!
  • I used to stick with the elliptical and the arc trainer. But I have recently started mixing things up. I thought the bike was boring, but I hit the "random hill" button one day and sweat my rear off. It says I didn't burn as many calories but I was drenched, so I've started doing it from time to time. Arc trainer is one of…
  • sometimes you just need to take a break! Confuse your body a little and then get back on track. I seem to do better this way, but to each his own.
    in NO MOTIVATION Comment by ssmom June 2011
  • Maybe your aunt is just JEALOUS! You look great...amazing job!
  • I use a lot of ground turkey for meatloaf, chili, meatballs and burgers and my husband has no problem with that. I do stir fry and baked chicken or lean pork chops. But my hubby is not real picky. He eats what I put in front of him, if he doesn't go back for seconds then I know he doesn't like it's helping him lose…
  • you can cook and shred it to make chili or bbq, just watch what sauces you use for sugar and salt.
  • On days I know I am going to splurge I make sure to exercise vigorously before and keep the rest of my meals to a minimum.
  • I go for ground turkey stuff--chili or meatballs. Veggies and dip are always good--hummus too. I always do sour cream with the ranch packet for ranch dip, everyone always likes it and it's low cal. Salsa is good, but the chips aren't the best. I say work out really hard in the morning and just eat in moderation.
  • I am 5 foot also. At one point I was 180 lbs. in my 20's and no kids. So I started losing and then got pregnant. After losing the weight from the fist child and keeping it off I got pregnant again. Only this time around I weighed 180 lbs. the day of delivery. Made me realize some things. So I really have to work at it and…
  • I love chips...some days I allow for them. Other days I just need the crunch. I eat carrots with ranch dip. And I have started eating rice cakes with 1 TBSP peanut butter---it's crunchy and tasty and a bit healthier. But I have a really hard time eating a sandwich without chips, but the carrots and ranch is working.
  • I have the capri style stretch pants...I guess they are like yoga pants. They have a thick waist and are capri length. I got them from Walmart or Target. They are my favorite...I bought a few pairs to wear when not working out. I can't do shorts. They always seem to ride up and I feel extremely uncomfortable.
  • I gain up to 3, but if you can stick to your daily calories through it the weight comes off plus some! Sometimes those cravings are hard to ignore so I work out a little extra just before!
  • gotta eat. I tend to do better when I work out a little harder and eat a little more. Weird, but it works for me.
  • I continue to exercise...if I need to drop my intensity a little or do something not so vigorous than I do that but I still keep moving. Now if you get real sick that's a different story, but a cold I can work through.
  • Me too...but my Ravens are out...BOO!!! Anyhow, I like to do ground turkey meatballs with marinara or ground turkey chili, veggies and dip (sour cream with ranch packet), fruit salad, chicken or cubed beef kabobs. The kabobs are usually a hit because you can just pick them up and eat them but a bit of a pain to make. But I…
  • I have a really hard time eating a sandwich without potato chips...but I'm trying to substitute crunchy carrots instead. Good luck!
  • cottage cheese, or I sometimes do turkey bacon with a low carb wrap and veggies (peppers, onions).
  • I have the Michael Jackson dance game and love it! I want to get the Just Dance one, and I didn't even know they had a Zumba one...I'm getting that next!
  • I only count heavy housework. If I scrub the floors on my hands and knees and build up a sweat I will count it. But the everyday norm I don't....dishes, vacuuming, laundry...I just consider that a bonus. But if counting the everyday things helps to motivate your friend to at least get off the couch than so be it.
  • take a look at what one pound of fat really looks like and you may feel better. I googled it once...pretty gross but amazing!
  • just can't eat as much. That may not be a problem for you. For me, I need more to eat than my alloted calories so I exercise to earn them.
  • I'm a coffee if I work out first thing in the morning I drink my coffee and then workout. Drink lots of water while working out and eat breakfast afterwards. If I eat before I feel weighed down. But I usually have breakfast and then work out an hour or two later. But that's not always convenient for others.
  • Me too! I have been off of here for a few months. Started getting off track at Halloween. So now I'm back! I have only gained about 5 lbs. but I can definitely feel it and I can't stand it! Going to get these 5 off and hopefully another 5 after that.
  • I reached my goal and stopped tracking what I eat. I do still log my exercise so I can see how much I am getting and I weigh myself every few days. If I see I've gained a pound or two I know what to do and don't stress it too much. Just keep yourself in check. I find myself mentally totaling the calories of the food I'm…