Weight oscillations... i'm stuck

Hi everyone, I have a question about my diet that is starting to annoy me. I started a diet in early november last year and since then i have lost about 9 kg (18 pounds). The problem is that i have been stuck at the current weight for almost a month now and i am doing exacly what I used to do before.

My diet isn't very complex, i just eat healthy stuff and I generally stick to my calorie goal successfully. The problem is that sometimes i get invited over by family and friends for lunch or so and just by eating a little over my calorie goal, i manage to gain uo to 2 kg (4 pounds) at a time!!! And then of course it takes me a full week to lose that back.

Is there a trick to get past this... i really need to get the kgs melting again cuz i am losing motivation here. HELP!



  • Buckwheat38
    not sure what type of diet you do but that might be the problem, you should simply eat heatly control your portions and basically do something that you can do all your life everywhere you eat, when you're on a too restrictive diet, if you go out of it even for 1 meal its like taking 50 steps back,
    maybe be less restrictive?
  • nradz5
    nradz5 Posts: 6 Member
    On those days you go over in your calories, boost up your exercise.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    maybe if we could see your diary we could help?

    Are you eating enough?

    read these they may help



    good luck enjoy your journey
  • Sparklewolfie
    If just eating one meal causes you to gain weight, it might be sodium related and you need to up your water intake. Are you going WAY over on the invite-over days? Make sure your weekly calorie total is still a deficit! Going over for one meal should not be causing you to gain that much!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Cant tell much without seeing your diary. But we do not gain weight from just one meal. Think how fat the world would be. DO you exercise ? Building lean muscle will help with everything and if you are doing just cardio you need to mix it up your body will ajust to what you are doing so you need to change. Ask more of your body (work out harder) you will be amazed at what it can do.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    On days I know I am going to splurge I make sure to exercise vigorously before and keep the rest of my meals to a minimum.
  • lex3210
    lex3210 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for all the replies!

    It sounds like the problem is exercise... Unfortunately my life style (I should say work) doesn't allow me much time, and that is the reason why I gained so much weight in the first place. My diet isn't restrictive at all, in fact i manage to keep under my calorie goal by a few calories almost every day.

    So I guess the verdict is that my body has now adapted to this regime, meaning that I need to restrict it further in order to advance...