Whats better.....
Is leg raises better then sit ups... Im not strong enough to do a full sit up.. And I have a very weak back.... So if anyone knows please let me know .. thanks
6 yr olds
So I took my shower this morning and I was in the bathroom standing in my bra and panties... And My 6 yr old came in wanting to chit chat... And I told him he needed to leave of course but if you've ever had a head strong 6 yr old Im sure you can understand it was like talking to a brick wall... Anyways.... He tells me…
ok... so .....
I had a really bad day yesterday.... I was hungry for everything!!! I didnt know what I wanted... I felt like I was starving.... I tried fruit, I tried a couple fruit snacks of my sons thinking it was candy, I even tried licking salt off my finger.... I was almost tempted to order a huge pizza ... But I didnt... What am I…
Sooo.. Im not much of an exerciser...
I couldnt think of an exercise that I would actually do... So me and my friend went to the bar... ya I know not the best place..... And we danced for 4 hours straight.... And I only drank water... Let me tell ya I sweated so bad... And when I did the calorie counter it says its alot of calories... So I guess Dancing is…
Helloo Again...
Well Im back to try this again... This time I have to succeed.... One I am getting married in a year and I really dont wanna be a "fat" bride.. No offense to anyone... And got the call from the dr.. I am severely Polysistic Ovarian Syndrome.. And considering we been trying for a baby... I have to loose a about 100 lbs or…
This is so hard
I am trying so hard to be good... Most days I eat everything right.. And I work out at the gym. Ive been doing for almost a month now.. Now I know something is happening because I cant keep my pants up anymore.. And my underwear thats a whole nother story.. lol... But whats hard is I weigh on the scales and I cant get past…
Well I just found this site tonight ... So we'll see how this goes.. The doc says that a site like this will help me in my goals.. and Maybe I can meet some new friends while im at it