Reactive Hypoglycemia Diet Help
Hello all! I have been on here for a while and have lost a decent amount of weight...however I feel like I am not taking care of myself. You see, I have reactive hypoglycemia, and I struggle daily with the crashes of blood sugar. I was wondering if anyone else on here who has this condition would be willing to give me…
17 Day Diet???
Has anyone on here heard of this? Tried it? How did it work for you? A friend of mine is doing it and I am curious.
Clean eating
This may sound stupid. But I am new to all this and still learning. Could someone explain this premise? How does it benefit you other than the obvious of less/no processed foods? How do you accomplish clean eating? (especially those that live in small towns and have a limited way to get some products). THANKS!
i'm still hungry at night and gaining weight ...help!
I tried this in the motivation forum, but it ended horribly as someone decided to cause drama and not focus on the original post but be negative about other aspects of my life. So here were go... I need some encouragement and help . I gained back a pound... after it had been on the scale for over a week I decided I gained…
Protein Shake for snack?
I'm thinking about switching my afternoon snack that I eat at about 3:30 pm to a protein shake. Any thoughts on this? And if it's something you recommend, can you recommend a protein that isn't too expensive and will not BULK me up? I am trying to lose weight and slim down. Thank you for all your help!
More cardio?
So I currently doing 30 Day Shred. I start level 2 tonight and it is my 11th day. My question is this... I only had lost about 5 lbs when I started this. I still have about 24 lbs to go until I reach my goal weight. I have lost 1 pound while doing 30 Day Shred. Was I stupid to do something like 30 Day Shred so early in my…
30 Day Shred Help
So I just started 30 Day Shred. I am on Day 3. I have been on here for about a month and have seen a steady drop in my weight. Around 1 pound a week. Then I started this and I have gained a little weight. I know that muscle weighs more than fat so I took my measurements this morning so that I could track those as well. And…
Need to lose lbs and tone up?
How do you accomplish this? Because I have done a few days of strength training with resistance bands and saw the scale go up... I really want to lose weight and tone up. What is the best way to do this?
Low Calorie snacks that aren't so acidic?
So I was just informed by my dentist that the amount of fruit I eat is really hurting my teeth. I eat about a cup of strawberries and a cup of blueberries daily. I also eat raspberry yogurt daily. It is the fruit only because I do not eat candy or drink soda. Any ideas out there for low calorie...low carb... snacks that…
A little help understanding Calorie counting
Okay, so I'm new to this, and may sound stupid but I want to do this right and the healthy way. MFP has me set to 1310 calories. But I do workout 5-6 days a week for 20-30 minutes each time. Some strength some cardio. Should 1310 be my net at the end of the day or should I actually be eating all 1310 and then the calories…