What is your main focus when it comes to physical fitness?
Me and some friends went on a weekend hiking trip to Capitol Reef National Park in Utah, and we got on the topic of body image. I don’t remember what brought the topic up, but I have given a lot of thought to some of the things we discussed. One of those things was how loving your body for what it can do versus what it…
Take a hike, literally! Blog posts included.
I'm an avid hiker, and it's been my second religion for about a year now. I spent all last summer hiking- 100 hikes to be exact. Long story short, by the end of the summer my body fat was at 15.5% (had it measured professionally) and I was eating probably close to 2,000 calories a day (fyi I'm a female, 26 yrs old 103 lbs,…
I'm only half crazy
I decided to run a half marathon in two months, right now I'm following a 12 week training guide: http://www.halfmarathons.net/training_tips_schedule_beginner_runners.html I'm at the end of Week 3; I've had some suggestions from my coworkers who've run half marathons that they only train up to 7 or 8 miles max and say that…
Cafe Rio Meat- Amount?!
Does anyone know how much meat Cafe Rio puts on your salad? Their website that gives nutritional info says 2 oz for the meats, but I always feel like the put on more meat than that. I'd say 4 oz at least? What do you think? Thanks!
Hate the term "skinny fat"
I feel like ranting right now on that term. Why? Because I feel like a lot of healthy, active skinny girls are calling themselves that because they don't look like a Victoria's Secret model or a fitness model. Coming from someone who does her absolute best to stay in shape and eat healthy, that term just brings extra…
I went to a Zumba class for the first time last night to switch up my workouts. I really enjoyed it, but I also discovered I have absolutely no rhythm or coordination (curse my white-girl genes). I just could not shake it like the instructor was! I laughed to myself afterwards cause I can run over 6 miles without stopping…
Pets as little personal trainers! (pics)
My dog is the best motivator, personal trainer, and workout buddy. She is so attentive, and as soon as she see's me start changing into my running clothes she goes and gets her leash (and sometimes my running shoes too!) and brings them to me. She gets absolutely ecstatic when I ask her if she wants to "go running?" And on…
Who's your workout buddy?
My music :)
A success all on its own- pics
So I feel that maintaining your weight is an achievement all on its own. I wanted to post my own success on having stayed fit and healthy for the past 5 years- even when before I wasn't overweight, just inactive. I now feel confident that I can continue being active and healthy the rest of my life- like my dad! Who for the…
If I could take Cafe Rio out to dinner....
Cafe Rio is easily my favorite restaurant. However, their meals are by no means low cal. Soooooo, I make some sacrifices. Whenever I go (and I go at least once a week, sometimes more) I order a salad: Meat (100-130 cals per 2 oz, so I assume they give me 4 oz) NO tortilla 130 cals) NO beans (150 cals) NO cheese (30 cals)…
Need some advice/input on weight gain!
I'm wondering how much muscle I can build on average in a week. Some background: I exercise about 5 days week, and alternate between strength training (lunges, squats, push ups, sit ups, etc w/ 10 lb weights) and my stationary bike vigorous effort. I've just started running again because I signed up for a 10k next week.…
Don't stress!
For those who are struggling, I just want to say, keep trying and try not to stress (much easier said than done) about it! With all the advice out there and everyone's own rules, tips, dos and don'ts, it's easy to get overwhelmed and give up. DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU AND STICK WITH IT. - If you can stick with a low/no carb…
Any gymnasts out there?
I used to be in gymnastics when I was 12. It's been nearly 10 years since I've been to a gymnastics class, but yesterday I practiced a bunch of my old tricks, and got the best work out from it! My whole body is sore- a very satisfying feeling. It makes me want to take up gymnastics again. Any gymnasts out there? If so,…
I discovered ZERO calorie shirataki noodles!
I'm very excited cause I bought some shirataki noodles at my local Asian food health store. They are zero calories (unless you get the tofu ones which are only 20 cals). I simply rinsed and boiled them, added some soy sauce, chicken, and broccoli, and got a VERY filling meal for only 250 calories. I recommend you try them!…