
I went to a Zumba class for the first time last night to switch up my workouts. I really enjoyed it, but I also discovered I have absolutely no rhythm or coordination (curse my white-girl genes). I just could not shake it like the instructor was! I laughed to myself afterwards cause I can run over 6 miles without stopping a single second at a decent pace, but I can not dance- not even to save my life! Does anyone do Zumba, and how do you get better- just lots and lots of practice? Anyone know of some Youtube channels that are good practice?


  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    After my first Zumba class, I thought it was awesome and ended up going out and buying this DVD set. By the time that I got the DVD set, I had already been to a few more Zumba classes and started getting more coordinated with the choreography. Then I got the DVDs and tried them all out but they suck compared to a real class. It isn't nearly as fun, you don't have other people there to make you feel more energized, and just so many other things. I only ended up doing each of the routines from the DVDs once or twice and ended up giving them away because they are so boring compared to a class.

    Just keep going to the class and you will pick it up and get more coordinated as you go along :)
  • Becca1996x
    Becca1996x Posts: 2
    I read that it takes approximately 3 Zumba classes for a participant to feel as though they are familiar with the routines and the steps involved. But as you keep going, you become more confident and remember some of the moves, meaning you get the most out of each session because you can really get into it, rather than constantly worrying about what step comes next! :)
    Hope this helped,
    Rebecca x
  • wiseeliz
    wiseeliz Posts: 50 Member
    Yes, keep going! When I started doing Zumba back in January, I was a total spaz. I literally had to count the steps under my breath to keep up! I'm sure I still look pretty ridiculous, but I know what to expect now, and once we get into a familiar routine I can usually remember most of the steps.

    I have also tried DVDs, but I agree with the comment above that they're just not as fun as going to an actual class.
  • Goin4goal
    Goin4goal Posts: 129 Member
    I also bought the entire Zumba dvd set and ended up not doing them because it wasn't as much fun as the classes. Its been a few years since I've been, but I went for 5 months. At the beginning you think you are the clutziest person alive, but it takes about 4 classes before you start getting the hang of it. All newbies gravitate to the back of the class but as you learn the steps, you keep moving up. By the time I stopped going, I was one of the ones the instructor said to watch and there I was in the front row dancing away. TIP: It's easier to follow someone in front of you (that knows what their doing) instead of the instructor who is facing you. Most important - have fun. No one is judging you. Its all about having fun and burning calories. I think I just talked myself into going back!!! :)
  • CalypsoNi
    CalypsoNi Posts: 44
    I'm looking to start Zumba later this week, unfortunately i'll be going the DVD route for now since the gym is just too far away. I'd like to start classes myself some day too. DVD or Class, doesn't matter really, just keep to it and you should be fine.

    And I have no rhythm myself, so it's going to be an interesting journey, haha.
  • cosmic8o8
    cosmic8o8 Posts: 131 Member
    I love Zumba! I can't dance as well, but neither can anyone else in the class. It's a ton of fun! I've tried doing the DVDs at home, but I kept Zumba-ing into my wall and other household obstacles.
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    Yeah, if you take the time to look around you in class you will see that everyone is in the same boat. Unless you take Zumba classes with the LA Lakers cheer squad, you'll be up to par after a few sessions!

    Relax, have fun, and shake that thing!