De donde eres?
Yo soy mexicano nacido en la Cd. de México, y norteño por adopción (viví 10 años en Cd. Juárez) Ahora vivo en California desde ya hace 14 años
Calorias e informacion dificil de encontrar para tu comida f
¿Tienen dificultad para encontrar información nutricional de comida Mexicana, Española o Latinoamericana? ¿Encontraste esa información y la quieres compartir con nosotros? ¡ Este es el lugar especialmente reservado para ello !
Recetas Favoritas y Paginas de Internet
Este es un espacio para que nos compartan sus recetas favoritas, y como las usan en MFP. También nos encantaría saber de sitios de internet que les gustan !
Post-menopausal bleeding after a drastic weight loss
Hello, I have come across a subject that may be of interest to many post-menopausal women here: Post-menopausal bleeding — what does it mean? It seems that 20 to 30% of women experience this bleeding after several years of officially starting menopause (1 year with no period). Of course, it is of high concern to those…
Tienen tips/ideas que compartir para bajar de peso?
Muchos de ustedes han bajado de peso exitosamente ! Pueden compartir aqui con nosotros la manera que lo han logrado, y tips/consejos Esperamos sus consejos !
How efficient is the human digestive system?
Being that we try to track our calorie intake, and estimate the best we can on how much we "burn" through exercise and daily activities, I am curious to find out how efficient is the human digestive system to absorb all of the calories we so meticulously log at MFP ! If the body’s digestive system is found to be VERY…
Water: does it Chemically cleanse the body?
The whole water drink (8 glasses) has been talked about a lot here at MFP. Some pro drinking as much water as possible, some say they don't need to drink water and wll get it from food. This post is not directly addressing those already covered views on water drinking. What I would like to discuss here, are any…
Post-menopausal bleeding after a drastic weight loss
Hello, I have come across a subject that may be of interest to many post-menopausal women here: Post-menopausal bleeding — what does it mean? It seems that 20 to 30% of women experience this bleeding after several years of officially starting menopause (1 year with no period). Of course, it is of high concern to those…
The Practical Guide: Identification, Evaluation, and Treatme
I have found this very complete clinical guide, intended for doctors, on Obesity and its treatment: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/ob_home.htm "Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, in cooperation…
Famous Churchill Quotes
Which quotes from Churchill do you like? I like these two, on War, Peace and Strong Nations: ...As it is, those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace, and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war. It would perhaps be pressing the argument too far to suggest that I could do both. Winstom…
Are you in a Low Carb diet? You need to read this
I would like to share what I consider as an excellent compilation of evidence on Efficacy and Safety of Low-Carbohydrate Diets http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/289/14/1837.long I recommend to read the whole thing, but Interesting abstracts are: 1) Conclusions There is insufficient evidence to make recommendations for or…
All you ever wanted to know about Sodium in your diet
Here is a link that has tons of links to different subjects, such as how to lower your Sodium intake, latest news on sodium and related health issues, clinical trials, etc ! http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/dietarysodium.html here is a link to clinical trials:…
How efficient is the human digestive system?
Being that we try to track our calorie intake, and estimate the best we can on how much we "burn" through exercise and daily activities, I am curious to find out how efficient is the human digestive system to absorb all of the calories we so meticulously log at MFP ! If the body’s digestive system is found to be VERY…
Pictures of the ideal body for your age
Here is a before and after picture of a 50-year old (or so) man, which fits my idea of where I would like to be at once I reach my target weight and exercise: (it took me several attempts, but finally was able to show the photo !)
3 Surprising Reasons to Give Up Soda
Yahoo! Health http://bit.ly/ydgyL2 Extracted from there: Shocking Soda Fact #1: Soda fattens up your organs A recent Danish study revealed that drinking non-diet soda leads to dramatic increases in dangerous hard-to-detect fats. ... And don’t think switching to diet varieties will save you from harm: Artificial sweeteners…
Fibromyalgia and Diet
https://www.webmdhealth.com/ehealth/common/content/webmdtopic.aspx?webmdlink=/content/WebMDArticles/WebMD/WebMD_Feature_091e9c5e801fbb4d.html If you have fibromyalgia, you've probably wondered if there are ways you could modify your diet to improve symptoms such as fatigue and muscle pain. Research hasn't shown that there…
Donde prefieren comprar su comida?
Nos gustaria compartan las tiendas de comida que prefieren ! Restaurantes preferidos?
Research show low-sodium diets may not be healthy
New Research Calls Salt Guidelines Into Question Study Suggests Reducing Sodium May Increase Unhealthy Blood Fats; Critics Say Study Is Flawed https://www.webmdhealth.com/ehealth/common/content/webmdtopic.aspx?webmdlink=/content/WebMDArticles/WebMD/WebMD_News_091e9c5e8091d915.html Nov. 9, 2011 -- Everyone knows that too…
Diet Patterns Linked With Brain Health
People With Diets High in Vitamins B, C, D, E, and Omega-3s Had Less Brain Shrinkage, Higher Scores on Thinking Tests By Kathleen Doheny WebMD Medical News https://www.webmdhealth.com/ehealth/common/content/webmdtopic.aspx?webmdlink=/content/WebMDArticles/WebMD/WebMD_News_091e9c5e8097e7dd.html Dec. 28, 2011 -- Eating a…
Diet Calculator, Body Fat Calculator
http://www.scientificpsychic.com/fitness/diet.html That is a GREAT website, that explains: 1) How to correctly take measurements for men and women 2) Based on Age, Height, Sex, and the body measurements, it calculates: Body Mass Index: Waist-to-Height ratio: Percent Body Fat: Lean Body Mass: and tells you by how much you…
Sientanse en libertad de abrir nuevos Topicos y Temas !
Que tal, Yo he empezado este grupo estableciendo 3 "Topicos". Pero me encantaria ver nuevos topicos que les interesen. Asi que sientanse en libertad de abrir nuevos temas en este grupo ! Este es SU grupo !
Why Drinking Water Is Important for Weight Loss
Here is a very interesting article, on why it is VERY important for weight loss: http://www.caloriesperhour.com/tutorial_water.php Some excerpts from it: •Initial weight loss is largely due to loss of water, and you need to drink an adequate amount of water in order to avoid dehydration •The process of burning calories…