My mom is drinkng apple cider vinegar, orange juice, and honey. She gags after every swig. She swears this is helping....something? Weight loss? Im banging my head. If its nasty enough you have to gag after every swig or do a full body shudder, STOP DRINKING IT. Seriously-some of you weight loss folks confuse me.
best scale?
I like to keep tabs on my weight:measurement ratio.....but my taylor brand scale pooped out after a meager year. Anyone got a good and reliable scale brand?
Broke my deadlift PR by 10# and 1 rep! *dancing*
serious topic....
Coffee. Best and worst. What do you kick kittens for, and what would you refuse if there was a threat to drink it? I will drink folgers and archer farms anything. Any flavor, any time. Maxwell house is only if i am desperate. Seaport and dunkin donuts are not even coffee.
Buddies :)
My friends list is small. Id even call it dainty. I dont deal with dainty. I powerlift. Ive done insanity, asylum, brazil butt lift, p90x and p90x2 as well. I need some new, awesome friends! A little more about me- I live in Texas, and im 23. The gun in my pic is an SKS Norinco from Romania. I raise chickens and grow or…
Yesterday, it dropped to 59 degrees while my husband and i were out hunting (laugh all you want, yankees! This Texan doesn't do well below 75!) So we get home and of course i feel like the tin man-i have lateral distoid meniscus in both knees, so i overcompensate when they hurt. That causes my hips and ankles to ache.…
DOMS is making me sad :(
So, after a long (like...three month....yikes) hiatus, i am back into lifting. Yesterday, i declared it LEG DAY. Pretty ashamed of my lifts, so let's not go there (let me just say i WAS throwing 30# over my bodyweight....not anymore). I squatted and romanian deadlifted (so my leg day hits lower back too...what of it?) and…
Im going to the cardiologist the week after easter. Ive had an irregular heartbeat my whole life, but recently it has gotten so bad i can barely function. after speaking with a few doctors-we suspect i have afib. anyone who has it- how quick was your diagnosis? I have good days and bad and was concerned they may not find…
Time to get back on track! I got 39 baby chicks over a month ago. My life turned into a constant rotation of household duties and poop cleanup. SO MUCH POOP. They finally got big enough to go outside to the big coop. But then i realized how much i need to do before i can plant my fall garden. So then my life became…
looking for new friends!
Im in search of buddies! I havent really been on this site much and ir turns out deleting my friends list may be why. You must be entrrtaining! (I dont want to read xyz compketed their diary and nothing else all day!) I dont care if youre a seasoned guru or today is day one, ee all started somewhere and it takes all kinds!…
Im in search of buddies! I havent really been on this site much and ir turns out deleting my friends list may be why. You must be entrrtaining! (I dont want to read xyz compketed their diary and nothing else all day!) I dont care if youre a seasoned guru or today is day one, ee all started somewhere and it takes all kinds!…
Losing bodyfat
Okay, i am trying to lose roughly 9-10% bodyfat (im at 27.8%). Niw, i get that its calories in v. calories out. My issue is that when i slash calories, i am dandy for about three days before my workouts suffer dramatically, and no amount of pushing through helps. Does anyone have advice (like a TDEE calculator with a…
Let's hear em! What excuses are you overcoming? im hypoglycemic. i need carbs to stay at a certain level. i have lateral distoid meniscus (deformed knee cartilage). i have a cardiac arrhythmia. because of the same issue that caused my knees to be badly formed, all my joints are pretty bad. it's 100° and 97% humidity where…
P90X2-my opinion so far
Im nearly done with week 2, and i am just plugging away until i dont have to see these DVDs anymore. Both yoga x2 and recovery+mobility are just trash. Total body and core x2 are completely dull and unchallenging. Plyocide is fun, but needs to be done with some serious ankle weights. Ab ripper x2 is a mish mash of one on…
My deadlift routine has gotten stale. I usually do a nice warmup of 10-15 reps/2-3 sets with a moderate weight (sumo, romanian, standard), and then start adding some serious weight (i keep adding until i can only get 3-4 reps, then i hang out.thete for 3 sets) problem is, i've totally stalled. my max has been 2x295# for…
first house
my hubs and i are hopefully about to buy our first house. it got me thinking...we dont own towels. or plates. or silverware. i have a vaccuum, and a coffee pot. i dont have my own cookware. but then there are the smaller things-like toilet plungers and brooms. so i started thinking of all the things it takes to have a…
let them eat cake
my bday is in two days-what kind of cake should i get?
Baytown area horse owners
My horse is boarded in Highlands, and we need her coggins and vaccinations done so we can move her. Anybody in the area have any info on vets that make house calls and can run a coggins on her-we dont have a trailer available ubtil the day we move her. Thanks lovlies!
Crazy question
When i sprint (like suicide drills, shuttle runs, 200 m dash), my face/mouth goes numb. Like, nearly drooling numb. But only with sprints. My heart rate is 200-204bpm, which is normal during my HIIT workouts-but i can be doing burpees at 204 bpm and have no ill effects. I just think its odd, so i figured id ask if anyone…
Top five
favorite breeds of dog 1. american staffordshire terrier 2. rottweiler 3. greyhound 4. doberman 5. siberian husky movies 1. Gone with the wind 2. the transporter 3. Saw 4. silent hill 5. the hitcher books 1. gone with the wind 2. the survivors club 3. such a pretty fat 4. the divine comedy 5. wicked bands 1. pantera 2.…
Coconut oil
from what i've read-its magic in a jar. i have a persistant rash and decided to give the oil a try (two days of smearing it on, rash is less inflamed). im also eating a tablespoon a day because, well, why not? anybody else use it? any noticeable changes? and good uses i may not know about?
I just ordered the base kit (dvds only). I have a 15lb med ball and the pullup rack already. ive seen drmos that you need four seperate med balls-there will be two of us using this program at once and 7 more med balls is a little ridiculous. so i want to know how many i really need-i figure putting my toes on small…
my husband shot his first squirrel today. never eaten it before. i fried and gravy smothered it. he completely devoured.the thing. didnt even give me a bite. problem is-he headshot it so he couldnt try the brain. he didnt like the tongue. i have had SO MANY people freak out about this-please tell me there are still hunters…
Sick of the bashing!
"my SO isnt supportive" "my SO is mean" NO MORE. Tell me THREE THINGS you love about your SO! 1. He makes me laugh so hard my sides ache daily. 2. He works incredibly hard at a job most people wouldnt do and he does it with a smile. 3. After 7.5 years he still opens doors for me, carries in groceries, tells me im…
I was feeling unmotivated...
So i painted Wonder Woman-esque colors on my fingernails. Seriously-the can do attitude is worth it :)
Bad Idea
I have Zombies, Run! on my phone. love it. havent played in months due to weather. So i strap on my snazzy armband and my snazzy hrm. I put in my biohazard earbuds. Its gorgeous today, and my fat dogs looked bored. "Theyre fat dogs. Not like we'll get past a jog." So on go the leashes. Green for shepherd husky Parker. Pink…
How does your garden grow?
Gardeners-what are you growing? :) me: yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes, tomatillos, celery, chive, cilantro, rosemary, corn, okra, watermelon, butternut and spagetti squash, eggplant, jalapeno, bell peppers, cayenne, banana pepper, anaheim, habanero, poblano, and basil!
okay, i made my rows WAY too close together and now i have to hoe out the middles instead of using a tiller. my hoe is a gift from my papaw-it was his first hoe when he planted his first garden on his own. basically, its a very important garden tool/gift. it is also a blister making fool. so for two days i have been…
I live in a (pretty) nice neighborhood in a small country town of about 1000 people. my yard is 7/8 of an acre, with a 30'x32' garden , several vehicles, and a 15x15 dog kennel we are cleaning out to turn into a chicken coop. My property line starts 20' off the railroad behind the house. We have several No Tresspassing…
cheesecake pancakes
4 eggs-whites and yolks seperated 8oz cream cheese 2 tbs ground flax 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp salt 3 tsp splenda optional 1tbs fruit preserves beat eggs whites in medium bowl to stiff peaks beat all other ingredients in large bowl until creamy fold in egg whites cook like pancakes. It made ten good sized pancakes for me-…