If u eat a cookie n noone sees you...
...it has no calories!
I love my 6 pack so much.......
I love my 6 pack so much i protect it with a layer of fat!
Have you seen the worlds strongest 5 year old?
Have you guys seen the worlds strongest 5 year old? and whats your oppinion on what he does? ive read so many comments of what ppl say n frig it makes me soooo mad! he is 4 in this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqnMecW-TA4
Get ready to be amazed!!!
go to google and type "let it snow" in the search bar and hit enter... be amazed!!! :smile:
Good video! How fitness can help and change a life!
i like whats being said at the start... totally agree with everythings thats said!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANKUKHfPFSE&feature=related
Motivation! lets get it goin!!
What gets you motivated!!! post everything from qoutes you have heard to youtube videos to pictures!!! -Success is not an act.... Success is a habit!!! -I have learned one thing about life... does not give us what we need........life almost always gives us what we DESERVE! got millions of vids i watch to get pumped but…
Alot of ppl have been asking and here it is.........
Alot of people have been asking what to eat during a bulkin cycle and that their having trouble getting their calories up!! So i logged the avarage days food!! Also opened my diary for everyone to check it out!!!
Muscular or Skinny model look?
What do you like? When a guy is big, muscular and cut(NOT like Jay cutler big or anything but decent healthy size)? or that skinny lean model look? Im in my pic 210lbs and goal weight before i start cutting is 225-230... do you think i would be getting too big? mind you once i cut ill prolly drop to 190-200lbs of muscle...
The awkward moment................
The awkward moment when you're about to hug someone extremely sexy and then you hit the mirror.
Who wants to go to the gym?
Who wants to go to the gym with me??? I need a spot on the barbell shoulder press!! Any takers? Lol
that moment when...................
that moment when ur at the gym n ur friend goes WTF man did you cut yourself around ur trisep? n u go what where? n u realize its because you flexed in the mirror n ur shirt dug into your skin n left red lines lol (n no not a tight shirt, an Under Armour shirt haha)
A good NSV lol
so buddie of just got back from afghanistan,.... i told him to swing by my house n ill give him some free gym passes as i know he works out.. so we are sitting n talking and he asks me how much my benchpress is.. i tell him 275lbs for about 5-6reps.. he goes OOHH THAAATS IT???(as if i look weak n lift baby weight) lmfao so…
just something i came across...
I hate bodybuilding. I truly, honestly, hate bodybuilding. I hate having to go to the gym when by muscles ache, I hate having to do cardio when I'm tired and hungry. I hate being tired and hungry. I hate being full and bloated from too much food. I hate sleeping shi*ty 'cause of work, then having to hit the gym. I hate…
Inspirational and Motivational Videos!
Some Motivational videos... Copy and Paste! How bad do YOU want it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i3g-RvC-iA Rohan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BziMwOc1R68 Excuses! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obdd31Q9PqA Cuts from motivational speeches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obo6xCAHIG8 I love living life!…
got the music pumpin n gonna do some abs right now!! anyone wanna join in?
I am effin starving! ordered quiznos got a triple roast beef with cheese n a cookie! been waiting for like 55min n my stomach hurts!
Weightloss tip!
Todays weightloss tip: Turn your head to the left then turn your head to the right...... Repeat this excerise everytime you are offered something to eat.
Why is there soo many..........
Why is there sooo many negative, bichy, whiny, mean, sensitive people on this forum? I cant quite understand? Usually its pretty well balanced like quarter of ppl are d*cks but 3/4's are nice... Here its other way around... I have seen people ask for help or post their prespective or oppinion on something n ppl go in n rip…
Todays nsv
Todays nsv.. New benchpress record 275lbsx5reps
Little motivation for some!!!
a little qoute from Arnold that helps me push through pain! "The only way to be a champion is by going through these forced reps and the torture and pain. That's why i call it the torture routine. Because it's like forced torture. Torturing my body. What helps me is to think of this pain as pleasure. Pain makes me grow.…
My Progress!! with pics!
Febuary 1st 2011 170lbs 17%BF June 1st 2011 180lbs 10%BF ended up cutting until end of july i hit 175lbs at 7%BF dont have pics on this computer... November 1st 2011 205lbs last time i checked was 10%BF but that was a month ago..
Hah NSV.....
Went to a buddies house that hasnt seen me in few months to sell a car dvd player.... im explaining features n everything to him n hes just steering at me not even looking at the DVD player so i go "WHAAAT, pay attention" he goes "Your efffin massive dude! hitting the gym much?"
Help me out aggaaain!
bump! drinkin my weight gainer shake again! help me pace myself lol
today.. i ate half of a chicken, potatos, salad, then glass of milk with a muffin and had a weight gainer.. now... ate dumplings and chicken and need to drink my weight gainer again.. please help me drink my weight gainer because i feel like imma barf if i have any more food/cals lol oh ps. its strawberry,banana weight…
My months NSV's..
I finally hit my bulking goal of 205lbs.. All my lifts are up and hitting my first goals and passing them.. BenchPress - 265lbsx6reps Incline DB Press - 100lbsx12reps Barbell Curls - 125lbsx6reps Seated Barbell Shoulder Press - 185lbsx6reps Lat PullDown - 210x10reps Next goal weight i want to hit is 225/230lbs oh n looked…
New friends???
Looking for some new friends that are into muscle building!
Hey looking for some old friends from my last accaunt! ADD UP!! if anyone knows Jnick tell him im looking for him lol
help me find my old friends lol
hey lost my accaunt help me find couple of my old friends!!! JNICK big guy from USA around 33yo if i remember, Jtaylor older guy hes freaking nuts burns like 2000 cals a day, lots of other that slipped my tounge right now... so if u know me plz add up!! yes i tried the search but it gives me wrong accaunts for those ppl...…