Tummy Tip...
No mater your exersise routine, even just stretching or squats etc,,, Always remember to tighten and pull you're tummy back towards you're spine.
Hello Everyone...
I'm new here thanks to an invite. I hope to make new friends and and reach my goals.:happy:
Just To Gab Thread
Here we can just gab about whatever. I'm so pleased to have you all here to take this journey with me.
Anyone use it? What fitness games do you use? And, how do you like it? I just ordered one with EA Sports.
Monday Weigh In- Jan. 9-2012
I'm at 141.2
Anyone use it? What fitness games do you use? And, how do you like it? I just ordered one with EA Sports.
9 Tips To Flat Abs...
Water Retention...
I snagged this from another site I belong to. How to Combat Fluid Retention By Kathleen Hall Reviewed by QualityHealth's Medical Advisory Board Your body tries to maintain equilibrium at all times. However, sometimes pregnancy, premenstrual side effects, medications, or an underlying medical condition will disrupt the…
Water Retention...
I snagged this from another site I belong to... How to Combat Fluid Retention By Kathleen Hall Reviewed by QualityHealth's Medical Advisory Board Your body tries to maintain equilibrium at all times. However, sometimes pregnancy, premenstrual side effects, medications, or an underlying medical condition will disrupt the…
Hello Everyone...
I just joined your group. I hope you don't mind.:tongue:
WEIGH IN For Jan. 2-2012
I weigh in at an even 142 lbs.
I welcome you to Keep On Keepin On. This group is for exersing of all kinds. Whether you just walk around the block or kick butt with Jillian Michaels, or in between with Leslie Sanson. Whatever it is, let's get together and motivate each other. Share your achievments and dissappointments. Let's do this together. We CAN do…
Daily Work Out
Post you're daily work out here with the date.
Weigh In On Mondays....
Dec. 27-2011 I weigh in at 141.6
Please Intoduce Yoursef
Let us get to know each other.
What do you do for exersise? I use Leslie Sansone DVD's.
Success stories
If you have one, please share so we can join you in your celebration and maybe learn something.
New Here...
But not new to Leslie Sansone. I just love her. I haven't done any of her walking in awhile. Got myself in a rut and need motivation. I love a challenge, but I'm afraid I'll have to start at the beginning again.