Post-Half Depression
Am I the only one? Now that it's over, I don't know what to do with myself. And the winter months have taken my pep away. I get all wheezy and sniffly when I run outside, so I've been sticking to the treadmill. I miss the gross 10-mile runs in 75-degree weather. What are you all doing to get through the winter?
Career Choices: Money or Fun?
So I'm 26 y/o, college graduate, and I have a cubicle position that pays my bills and has excellent benefits. The only real downside? It's boring. The slow times are VERY slow, and the busy times are hectic, with lots of angry clients. But it's a stable job (for which I am quite grateful), there's room for upward movement…
Toenail TMI
TMI: Did my final run (four miles) before my Half-Marathon (Sunday)...and I took off my sock to find blood all over my toes. I can't see any damage or bruising, but the blood appears to be coming from under my toenails. I'm afraid I'm going to lose my toenails during my Half. Gross...sorry. Any advice on how to avoid…
Happier & Healthier: My Before & After
So here's my story: I have always been the chubby-but-funny friend. The round-but-cute girl. People ask me what my "turning point" was--what made me get off my couch and start taking my weight seriously? I could say it was watching the Biggest Loser or that time a little old lady asked me when I was due or when I saw back…
Just an interesting weight-loss article
New Reason to Lose Weight
http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2012/06/08/too-fat-to-cremate/ ...not to be morbid or anything, but these are the things that keep me on the treadmill!!
How Did It Go?
Day 1, Level 1 complete. I preceded it with a bowl of peanut butter cheerios...perhaps something less "sloshy" next time. The jumping jacks nearly made me lose it near the end. I feel the pain, but it feels great! What are your thoughts?
What Next?
So I'm probably jumping the gun a bit (we have two weeks), but I've loved doing this as a group. Do we have any opinions on what to start next? A few I'd been thinking of... -Ripped in 30 -6-Week 6-Pack -Personal Training With Jackie: 30 Day Fast Start -Any of the Biggest Loser workouts has anyone had an experience with…