Measuring Inches Lost
I've tried to find this online but what is the proper way to measure your chest? Thank you!
Stress Tips and Tricks
I've always been prone to stress and along with losing weight I want to just have a healthier lifestyle. Reducing stress being part of that. My mother was a stresser and worrier so I was raised around it and it became normal. The combination of my weight and stress causes me to have horrendous back pain especially that I…
Your New Years Resolutions!
My list is longer than it ever has been before, but that's okay:) 1. Get healthy -lose weight -gain stamina -eat healthier 2. Be a better student -Study more -Aim for all As and Bs 3. Be a better person -Volunteer more Well those are mine:) Care to share yours? HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed & Shred
I know that it's a possibility that this has been asked before but...I haven't found anything. So, have any of you tried Extreme Shed and Shred? And if so what can you tell me about it? Sure, I've looked it up and read up on it but I would like to hear some real life experiences from all of you! Thank you so much!
Helping a Good Cause
I work at a paper, right? Well, today when I got to work today my boss had left an email on my desk asking me to cover a story because she wouldn't be there. Me, being the intern first doesn't have much of a choice and second I was thrilled! The email was from a group of guys called TeamGCC. Well, they are a group of…
What brand/kind of yogurt do you recommend?
Workout Videos
Does anyone have any recommendations for workout videos? I'm just curious and I want to try something new...
Green Tea?
Does Green Tea really help you lose weight?