Body Fat Percentage/ Omron Fat Loss Monitor?
My first and only experience getting my body fat measured professionally was 10 years ago, for a college gym class. I was around a 26% then (5'3 and 120 pounds, absolutely no muscle). In 2007, I joined a gym and a trainer eyeballed me and said she thought around 26% (mostly the same stats as before). Now that I have been…
Would you be flattered or creeped out if...
Someone you had merely a nodding acquaintance with asked you what your workout routine was- the motivation being they wanted a body like yours? Just curious. I think I'd be flattered but its never happened to me before.
No, I *don't* have super fast metabolism...
I am getting really frustrated with a friend who keeps commenting on my diet and crediting metabolism for my size. I am a relatively thin girl (5'3, about 114 pounds), who eats pretty well about 75% of the time. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. But I also eat chips, candy, occasionally McDonalds, and sometimes will…
Possible hernia... So upset
So, I've had some pain in my lower abdomen while doing push ups this last week, so I decided to give it a rest. I did a pretty decent set of pull ups on Saturday with no pain so I thought I'd give that a try tonight. Halfway through the first one I feel a pain so sharp I screamed out loud. I pretty much crawled to urgent…
People with kids-when do you exercise and for how long?
I work full time and have a toddler. I am away from the house from 6 am to 5 pm. When I get home, I have to make my daughter dinner, get any chores done around the house, and give her attention since she's been at the daycare for 10.5 hours. She goes to bed around 8:30. My husband works a lot of overtime in the summer and…
What is your favorite vegetable? How do you eat it?
So, I've been trying to eat more vegetables lately, and have had moderate success. I mostly eat carrots and broccoli and different kinds of squash. I was eating raw bell peppers for awhile but I got pretty burnt out on them. I like broccoli but I swear it causes pretty severe bloating for me. I've heard cucumbers and…
Day 1 of no diet coke...not going well
So, I am a regular drinker of diet coke. I absolutely love it. On a good day, I only drink one, but most days it's two, and somedays it's more like 3 or 4 (if say, I get it at a restaurant and get refills). This is more of a personal challenge to myself and I have a can in the fridge at my work in case I decide I can't do…
How do I stop from getting so obsessive about weight loss?
OK, I've always been obsessed with my weight and thinking I am fat. When I was 4-5 years old, I would only wear pants or long shorts because I did not like my thighs showing- I thought they were too fat. My parents have been on and off diets since I was born but they never talked about it much and never said anything to me…
Eating at a severe deficit- lose fat or muscle?
OK, I am not doing this, this question is for informational purposes only. Let's say I decided to eat at a serious deficit- like 800 calories per day while working out. Some would say while I'd burn fat, I'd also burn lean muscle mass which is bad. Some say I would burn through all my fat (like down to <10%) before burning…
How many pounds of muscle could I really put on?
OK, I am an average size female and I do a little strength training, but nothing very consistent other than carrying my daughter around. Let's just pretend for a minute than I did weight lifting by the book- with optimum nutrition and recovery time and was very consistent with my workouts and progressed heavier each time.…
Stop calling me too skinny!
I just wondered if anyone is going through something similar to me during their weight loss efforts. All my adult life I have been around 120 pounds (I am 5'3) so I guess I've been reasonably thin, but I didn't eat very well and drank a ton of beer 4-5 nights a week (up until a few years ago) and I had a lot of body fat- I…