Day 1 of no diet coke...not going well

abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
So, I am a regular drinker of diet coke. I absolutely love it. On a good day, I only drink one, but most days it's two, and somedays it's more like 3 or 4 (if say, I get it at a restaurant and get refills). This is more of a personal challenge to myself and I have a can in the fridge at my work in case I decide I can't do it. I've done this once before and it sucked.

Is anyone else a reformed cola drinker? How long did it take you before you stopped missing it? Did you replace it with anything else? I am not really a juice drinker or a flavored water drinker- it's pretty much just diet coke, plain water, coffee, or beer for me. I do like unsweetened ice tea, but that's not very portable and if you buy packaged, it's usually sweetened or very expensive.


  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    I gave up the habit in November. I still crave it something awful. Now I drink about 12 cups of water a day but it just isn't the same. Sorry :-(
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    They would have to pry my Diet Pepsi out of my cold, dead hand... lol :drinker: Best of Luck though, I would rather lose 300 pounds again.... ha
  • trixie315
    trixie315 Posts: 95 Member
    I used to drink 2 cans of diet coke a day. I replaced it with water - ice cold water. Its my beverage of choice now which is weird to say because I used to hate water. I also enjoy flavored water - I have a thing of Mio at my desk at work to switch things up if I need to. If you are looking for a carbonated option- there is this new thing called 'ICE' and it's like a carbonated vitamin water with 0 calories.

    Yes it does suck, but you can do it! plus diet coke is terrible on your teeth- you'll save in dental bills along with your savings from not buying soda :)
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    They would have to pry my Diet Pepsi out of my cold, dead hand... lol :drinker: Best of Luck though, I would rather lose 300 pounds again.... ha

    Yep...pretty much this (except Diet Coke). I drink 1 a day...but like you sometimes 2. I figure if that 1 diet coke is the one thing that is stopping me from having the perfect body (it's not BTW...), I'd rather have the diet coke! LOL
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    I'm one week free of diet soda, and let's just say it's not getting any easier. My personal favorite is Coke Zero.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    You can do this! I was an avid soda drinking up until 2010 when I went cold turkey. Lately I have been letting myself have a diet coke here and there, but I feel it's creating the same bad habits that I had when I drank soda. It's just something I CAN'T have if I want to maintain/lose.
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    For the most part, I am off the sauce. Diet Coke is my liquid crack. Harder to give up than ANYTHING. I just drink water now. However, if I slip and have one (fountain pop is my kryptonite)....I find that I feel like crap and want to eat anything not nailed down afterwards for days! Agree with terra....there is just no substitute.
    Good luck to you!! Giving the stuff up is a b#@ch!!!
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    I used to be a big diet coke fan but had to give it up post surgery. Honestly, it took several months to kick the craving and some days I went crazy not being able to have one but it is doable. I now drink Crystal light galore because I don't like plain water. You just have to find a substitute you like and not give in to the cravings. Good luck. ~
  • pbrinnm
    pbrinnm Posts: 39
    I quit buying it in large bottles or a case at a time. I was having at least 1/day. I now have 2-3/week. If I want a can or bottle I buy only one can or bottle. I also work out of my home so if I want one I walk to the convenience store located a few blocks from my house. My rule is that I won't drive anywhere for a soda.

    If I go out for lunch I have a diet soda and I don't beat myself up about it.
  • RosaLaRose
    RosaLaRose Posts: 8 Member
    Would taking seltzer water to dilute it gradually until you wean yourself off be helpful? :flowerforyou:
  • ILuvMoo
    ILuvMoo Posts: 41
    Maybe you could wean yourself in stages? Like, for starters, say "no drinking soda at home." Then when that's comfortable, switch to "no soda at work", or "no soda at fast food restaurants (but sit-down restaurants are still ok)."

    I recently gave up drinking soda at my house... but for me, that was about 99% of my soda intake. I can't have caffeine (it makes my narcolepsy angry and gives me heart palpitations) and I hate it when beverages count against my daily calorie total, so I only ever drink soda that's BOTH diet AND caffeine free.

    It sounds easy, but you'd be shocked how many restaurants/fast food places DON'T have anything in their soda fountain that's BOTH.

    So now I only drink soda at Five Guys and Panera (because they both have caffeine-free diet Coke in their soda fountains <3)

    The one thing I truly miss is having unsweetened iced tea when I'm out and about :( I can make it at home with decaf tea bags, but NO RESTAURANT EVER has decaf unsweetened iced tea.
  • MishiTagle
    I really like the plan of gradually weaning myself off...seems doable!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I get zevia cola. yummiex.
  • bethanylaugh
    bethanylaugh Posts: 237
    My husband just quit it cold turkey... I snuck him some excedrine when he had bad headaches and he was drinking club soda with a little juice in it for the bubbles. I also bought him cherry pepsi chapstick... i don't know how much that helped but he liked it!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    don't beat yourself over one day.
    just stick with it.
    It gets easier, inspite of what people say. Be positive, it WILL get easier!

    I use to drink diet coke for breakfast every day...
    now i drink lemon water instead.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Hang in there--it is hard but the health benefits are enormous.
  • jen6278
    jen6278 Posts: 7 Member
    So, I am a regular drinker of diet coke. I absolutely love it. On a good day, I only drink one, but most days it's two, and somedays it's more like 3 or 4 (if say, I get it at a restaurant and get refills). This is more of a personal challenge to myself and I have a can in the fridge at my work in case I decide I can't do it. I've done this once before and it sucked.

    Is anyone else a reformed cola drinker? How long did it take you before you stopped missing it? Did you replace it with anything else? I am not really a juice drinker or a flavored water drinker- it's pretty much just diet coke, plain water, coffee, or beer for me. I do like unsweetened ice tea, but that's not very portable and if you buy packaged, it's usually sweetened or very expensive.

    Do it! You will be so happy once you have stopped. I just passed the 5-month date of giving up diet soda (all soda, but Diet Coke was by FAR my favorite and hardest to quit) and I am so glad I did. My own personal experience is that I was having stomach problems that I didn't even realize... I was only drinking maybe 1 diet coke a day, but once I quit I rarely experience any gas, rumbly stomach, etc... all of which used to be a regular occurrence for me. Sorry if that is TMI. :) I did not really substitute anything, but on mormings when I feel I need caffeine I will now drink black coffee (all natural) instead of diet coke.

    Also, I missed it a lot at first but now I truly don't think I would want one.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    During law school (2008), I was drinking about three two-liters of diet cola a day (usually diet coke, but depending on sales, sometimes pepsi or dr. pepper). I quit and now I haven't had a drop of soda since 2010. Tough...but you can do it.
  • theerachele
    theerachele Posts: 21 Member
    For quite a while I drank nothing but soda! Once I started caring about my health I finally realized just how much soda I had been drinking! I took it one step at a time. First I did not bring anymore soda into my house, then I stopped buying it to bring to work, and then I started limiting myself to 1 diet soda at social functions as a treat. Honestly I don't miss it anymore & it just tastes like chemicals. I'd say it took a few weeks after I stopped drinking it to not even care anymore. The first few days were rough though, but you can get through it! Maybe buy the super small cans & allow yourself 1 can per day to start?
  • laurenislost
    laurenislost Posts: 28 Member
    I am pretty addicted myself. Have you tried any other substitutes like teas or sparkling water such as san pelligrino? I did the Whole 30 last year and those were my favorites when I was craving something to drink that was fizzy or other than just plane ole water.