My 2013 Weight Loss Guideline \ Plan
So 2012 was a great start for me. I lost 20 lbs the first 4 months! Then I started another almost full time job. This left me with no energy to want to work out, cook more meals, etc. I ended up gaining 15 lbs back! :sad: This year my husband helped me with a diet and work out plan. :heart: Looking forward to starting a…
5'3" 182 lbs to lose 40-50 lbs
Hey everyone ^_^ I've been on here about a year now. The first few months I lose 20 lbs! But then I started a second job. This got me tired n blah blah blah.... Still working two jobs, roughly 60 hrs a week. Hardly any days off unless my night job wants to be nice =D Anyways, I ended up gaining 15 lbs back! NOOoooooo Well,…
Free home workouts!
So right after I got this app I was looking into workouts. I did some from youtube.com in my computer room where the room is not that great and trying to look at the screen while doing the workouts on the floor was terrible. Then DISCOVERY! (more like rediscovery, because I spaced it) I found with my Comcast ON DEMAND…
What's your workout?
I'm curious to see what other people are doing for their workouts. Currently I'm into Yoga and Pilates with some cardio here and there. Last month I was into cardio. Doing Yoga and Pilates I'm feeling more of a burn after in my legs and hips which I'm loving right now. Thinking of doing pilates x3 and cardio x2 a week for…
Make Self Help Motivation!
I found this site: http://makeovr.com/weightmirror/ with it I took a pic of myself and chose different weight loss. With weight loss pic I copied and pasted it into my paint program. [ctrl+alt+prt scr] this command allows you to copy the screen you see on your computer, then you can paste it into paint. I copied and pasted…
What eating no processed food can do!
I just watched this segment about feeding your body with better foods. AMAZING! Must watch and pass on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLjgBLwH3Wc