Free home workouts!

So right after I got this app I was looking into workouts. I did some from in my computer room where the room is not that great and trying to look at the screen while doing the workouts on the floor was terrible.
Then DISCOVERY! (more like rediscovery, because I spaced it)
I found with my Comcast ON DEMAND section a Sports and Fitness section with loads of workouts, weight training, weight loss, abs/core, dance workouts that are pretty good, for free!
Since the variety is so amazing I have been doing various things from abs/core to cardio and Bollywood dancing. It's been fun and not boring having the same routine all the time. Which I think is also great for your body so that you won't get the plateau effect from the same routines all the time.
Thought I would share my (re)discovery to help out.


  • JamirahM
    i SO love the Comcast on Demand Fitness section. I do it faithfully, multiple videos everyday!
  • dstinctive1
    Do you feel like these on demand workouts are really effective for losing weight? I tried the Slimdown and ab one yesterday. I am going to stick with the variety since I think it may help me be more consistent.