fitness pal has change so much since I first began using it that I hope this is the way to get a message to you. I would very much like to join your group. I Live in Sonoma County in Northern California. Please let me know if the group is still open. Thank you, Desda
anyone besides me getting body aches as you're losing? neck, shoulder, and.back particularly
I'm finding that if I think before I more, I have fewer injuries and less pain. This "ritual" makes getting ready for the office in the morning take considerably more time than I'd like to give. Does anyone else have a "caution flag" waving? Today I swung my briefcase into the car...bad idea. It doesn't weigh that much,…
Okay,'s everyone doing?
I'm reading in other group posts that the Wii Fit provides gentle exercise for people with FM. Do you find this to be true?
I need a gentle workout that won't stress my joints. I've found that Joel Harper's YOU workout (think Dr. Oz) are helpful in achieving this. There are various levels, you don't need special equipment fo rmost of them, and they're only about 20 minutes in length. What are you using?