I tried coconut flour...
And I must be doing something wrong. I made chicken parm. with it on Saturday and it was delicious. I attempted pancakes today, and not so much. The flavor was overwhelming, and I don't care for coconut. My kids wouldn't even eat them. I love the high fiber content (and desperately need it!), but the flavor is just too…
Coconut flour?
Anyone use coconut flour? How well does it work in recipes?? I'm nervous to try it as I despise the flavor of coconut, lol. But, I really need to switch up my flours! I usually use a combo of rice, potato and tapioca, but its so starchy.
Gluten free and Starches
How often do you eat gluten free bread/crackers/pastas? I'm currently steering towards more whole foods, but I've realized that I'm probably hurting myself with all the STARCH when I make anything like pizza, pasta, pancakes, etc... I thought when I gave up the gluten I'd get better about this, but nope. I just crave all…
Stay-at-home Moms activity level?
I've been a stay-at-home mom for a little over 6 months now. When I first set up MFP, I listed myself as Sedentary... but I'm wondering if that's correct? I mean, I do spend a lot of time on the computer, but I also spend a lot of time up - doing laundry, dishes, etc etc... running all over creation to pick kids up from…
Need help learning to use my equipment
So, I'm basically stuck at my house with my 4 year old all day (at least while its cold out! Once its nice we'll be able to walk to the park, etc...). But even when we do leave, I'm stuck at his pace, if you know what I mean :) . Anyway, in my house we have a nordic track ski machine and a Weider pro weight machine. I've…
Why can't I run now??
I started off great... I was up, moving, and then I was up and running. I could easily jog 2 miles, sometimes more. Now? I can't. I can't make a 1/3rd of a mile. My knees ache, my ankles scream, my back is killing me. What did I do??
Hi, new here!
Hello, I started doing Just Dance 2 about two weeks ago. I started doing just a half hiur each day on the Just Sweat option. But now I'm up to doing over an hour. Problem (?? I guess, lol) is I'm making the goal sooner than the week target! Does anyone do the regular dance part foe this? I like that the JustbSweat part…