Need help learning to use my equipment

So, I'm basically stuck at my house with my 4 year old all day (at least while its cold out! Once its nice we'll be able to walk to the park, etc...). But even when we do leave, I'm stuck at his pace, if you know what I mean :).

Anyway, in my house we have a nordic track ski machine and a Weider pro weight machine.

I've asked my husband to show me how to use this stuff, and he's useless :grumble: It's stuff HE had to have, and never uses!! At any rate, he climbed on the ski machine (it's like, 20+ years old too) and says "You just do this" and walked away.
I'm tiny. I feel like these machines are going to eat me alive, lol.

So, how do I use these things?? I've got the weight machine ok (I can't use the butterfly arms because of my height - I just cannot reach). But how many reps should I do? I need to build strength.


  • momtobe06
    momtobe06 Posts: 81 Member
    I know this is late... but I thought I would reply.
    as for the nordic track ski.. start with your legs and getting your balance before worrying about adding the arm movements. Set the tension at 2, keep the incline level to start and just resting your navel against the pad and begin striding... once you start feeling comfy add the arms. It's akward at first... but you will get it