You're Right
You’re right. It is easier to eat pizza than to run on the treadmill. It’s easier to turn to ice cream rather than people for supporters. It’s easier to say ‘**** it, I give up’ then to say it ‘**** this, I can do it.’ So you know what? I’m not going to sit here and tell you day after day you can do this. If you don’t…
Please help me with my Macros
please-txs -Ty
To be a great WINGMAN...............
You must be willing to take one for the Team, it will pay forward-Ty
Just sayin-Ty
ROLL CALL Where are all the NICE ladies @?
Chime in please-TyTy
Did some RETAIL THERAPY , shoesssss ladies
Now that i have your attention, these are the newest sic shoes cross trainers from ADIDAS ADIPURE shoes, love them, as a personal trainer and do my own training they rock, like running on air, total indoor shoe though, squats , deadlifts, H.I.I.T cardio awesome feel and look kewl-Ty
My Journey to the WBFF AUG in Toronto
40 is the new 30 going to play with the bigboyz 20-30 somethings shirtless wonders on the world stage in Toronto Aug in the WBFF(World Body Fitness federation) in the Men's physique fitness model division, im excited to do something on my bucket list, will be logging my workouts, trip, diet etc , now 7-8%bf heading to…
where are all the PT's at?
holla,I'm a Canfitpro PTS/NWS, any other trainers via CAN-FIT, CPTN, NASM ACE etc? currently going for myTRX Cert.-Ty
Canadian Guyz make better lovers
Just sayin......mostly the ones from Toronto, true story-ty
I dont want any MFP friends
Please, Please do not add me no matter how hard it is to resist my cuteness some would say ruggedly handsome somewhat charming whitty demeanor, do not hit that"send friend requests" click now link, just walk away, step away from the monitor, i know its difficult and you really wanna but you must fight the temptation to add…
Anyone here from the Centre of the Universe TORONTO?
Whats up my neighbors? Can i borrow some sugar, Stevia that is-Ty
Me, Myself & I
Just sayin, wait wut? -Ty
I'm Hungry just sayin
just sayin.........-Ty
Anyone want to take a Nutella bath with me
:glasses: mmmmmmm nutella my drug of choice for a mere 100 cals per tsp
L.I.S.S VS. H.I.I.T cardio
I alternate between both, i do low intensity cardio @ 65% HRMAX 5am on an empty stomach then directly after i have my 1st meal breakfast and on training days after the resistance i finish with High intensity intervals for 20 mins, anyone have a preference or feel that one is better then the other for shredding fat? -Ty fyi…
Is it just me? .... (Bachorlette related)
Or is Courtney Bi-polar? Run Ben Run, FYI, I love Rachel from NY, love the nose piercing, so hot on women, ben will end up with Kasey B my bet, any other predictions? -Ty
it's not you it's me, no really it's you!
So this is where all the beautiful people are, want to say hi, hail from Toronto Canada, the centre of the universe and we have god's team The Toronto maple leafs, wait wut?, -Ty, I would like some friends, i dont have any :( I would like some please, however dont play well with others, just want to be held ;) :huh: