Just-Eat advertisement, you serious MFP?
Just thought it was quite funny that myfitnesspal a website dedicated to people trying to lose weight has accepted advertisement from just-eat a massive online takeaway store. Kinda funny eh?
Fitness vs Fatness
Hi all, recent paper looking at fitness vs fatness on risk of death / lifespan (mortality risk): Key finding is that if you are physically active but overweight/obese, your probably just as healthy as a lean inactive person and possibly even a lean active person. I.e. the beneficial effects of regular activity, are…
Stop taking artificial sweetners!
Hi all, don't often write on here anymore, but wanted to share. New paper came out today (Journal Nature: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature13793.html) Summary Quote: "Taken together, these results suggest that artificial sweetners promote metabolic derangements in a range of formulations,…
Energy vs macronutrients and dietary planning
Hi All, following my last post on the typical issues with starting a dietary program ( http://www.myfitnesspal.co.uk/topics/show/1212113-how-i-lost-6-and-a-half-pounds-in-a-night?hl=how+i+lost+6+ ) I thought I would follow-up by briefly tackling dietary planning, and the general controversy between focusing on energy vs…
Insider info on protein strategy
New paper to be published soon by Professor Phillips. The best protein strategy for building muscle is to consume 0.25g/kg bodyweight regularly throughout the day and DOUBLING that dose before bed. Havn't reviewed the paper myself but I have been informed conclusions are pretty strong. Just thought i'd share for anyone…
Do you even sift, bro?
http://muscle-insider.com/videos/80000-calorie-steak-egger-sandwich Genuinely the funniest nutrition video I have ever watched. Don't want to spoil it but it features Arnold Schwarzenegger, a tank, ostrich eggs, steak and bacon. Enjoy.
Does protein cause cancer?
I am absolutely fed up with the number of posts on here, re-quoting the media headlines about animal protein increasing cancer risk as much as smoking. (Original study: http://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/abstract/S1550-4131(14)00062-X) I would like to demonstrate why the conclusions of the study are void, the media…
Why protein will not give you cancer
Just my two cents on why protein is not going to give you cancer: I have used the quote feature to highlight main points. Many scientists across the world have already criticized the methods employed in the recent protein-mortality study grabbing media headlines…
What's your most extreme nutritional moment?
Im curious, whats the most extreme 'nutrition' related thing you've done to reach your goals? Ideally a moment in which anyone around you would think your insane. - My top candidate is eating smoked salmon and pasting on cream cheese with my bear hands whilst lying in bed to fulfill the late night food cravings and avoid a…
How I lost 6 and a half pounds in a night...
Probably one of the greatest excuse's people forward for dropping a diet or exercise routine is that they are not losing weight. Most of the time, "not losing weight" is a relative term. Those who have been dieting successfully for months or years understand that consistently losing 1lb a week is a serious achievement.…
Truth about alcohol, protein and exercise.
Hello all, this is my first article I have posted on here. Hope it is of interest and in the appropriate place. Let’s face it, most of us enjoy a few beers from time to time, but how does alcohol affect our training? Exercise is normally followed by a recovery period involving repair and building of muscle. However, a…
Top anabolic tips :o
Hey all just came across a review for maximising hypertrophy thats pretty good read. May be repetition to some of you but thought id share it anyway https://secure.footprint.net/gatorade/prd/gssiweb/pdf/107_Phillips_SSE.pdf If you cant be bothered to load it key points: •Athletes need to pay attention to the three “R’s”…
6 Month Progress :)
OK so the first picture was me around late january (i.e. post christmas). The new pictures were taken today. In Easter took on a pact not to eat chocolate, crisps, sweets cakes pizza ice cream and a few other things except for very special occasions, also been gyming it pretty heavy and tryna keep my calories for a net…
Question about BMR/daily calorie requirement calculator
Ive got no problems calculating my BMR, but have a little question with the next step calculating total daily calorie needs... Below is the formula ive seen on one calculator: Harris Benedict Formula To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows: If you are…
Hehe started a "new" diet a fortnight ago (10/04/2012). Intend to do it with a friend for at least one year. Were not allowed: Any form of chocolate including hot chocolate Any form of cake (the icing is allowed but not sponge) Any Biscuits Any manufactured "sweet" products e.g. Haribo Any crisps Dominos or Pizza hut…
Question to lifters who cut regularly
OK so im just started a cut with a BMR of 1477kcal, + activity = approx 2000kcal so im eating 1500kcal per day. This may be a little low but im hoping to measure if there is any decrease in LBM by comparing my lifting stats between now and every weight session I do and trying to maintain same weight. However, I only do…
So you think your strong?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNw_6DnFJ90 I has the jealously ^^ EDIT - I failed.. this was supposed to be posted in the chat section ^^
How about this for No Excuses Motivation =D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXv8Dk78r0k Enjoy =D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXv8Dk78r0k hur hur
Personal Trainer - Feel free to add me for advice =)
OK so im a REPS (Register of Exercise Professionals) UK accredites Level 3 Personal Trainer studying in my Second year of a Bs.c. Sport & Exercise Science. Got quite a bit of free time and I wont be workng back as a PT until the end of my third year now. As I wont get chance to do this in person for a while I want to get…