Just curios .......
Last year while at a shooting school a guy took this picture of me. It should have been one of the coolest pictures ever if your into guns but all i see in it is how fat i am. I decided to do something about it February of this year....... I have a ways to go still as far as what i want my body to look like still want to…
I have reached the weight i want be. But my body fat % isn't where it needs to be. I'm curious whats going to be more effective. Eat to maintain my weight and workout to change my body or continue loosing weight /fat then build muscle / add some weight back
How it's played ....... I'll start with an object. You take a picture of your bike in front / with object in view ......... post picture ........ name the next object With it being Memorial day and all. American Flag ............ go
I don't know if it's because i've been eating more the last couple weeks or i'm not eating the right things. Never had this issue before. I've been eating more the last few weeks to slow down / stop my weight loss. Looking for my maintenance intake. The last week i've felt lightheaded at times when i stand up fast.......…
I'm rapidly aproaching my desired weight. I'll still have a long way to go transforming my body to what i want it to be. But im afraid i'm going to need help not going back to all my old ways. I like to eat large quantities of eveything thats "bad" for you. I have to learn to control that. It wasnt that hard when i was on…
My question is should i change anything or just stay on track till i'm "stalled" on everything. I ask because it just doesn't seem like i have the strength in my legs i usually do now. Wednesday i felt drained at the end of the deadlift. Today i couldn't do the last rep of the last set on the Squats. I swear 3 weeks ago i…
I'm nearing my goal weight rapidly. But once i get to that weight my body fat percentage will still be pretty high. I want to be 190 and really muscled up. I'm not one of those people who looks good skinny nor do i want to be. My question is what's the better method to reach my goal maintain the weight i want to be and…