Hi, I am 52 and have around 150 lbs to lose. I just started today and already had a set back.. Geesh, I have been on several different diets and such, with some weight lose then I end up slipping and not getting back on track. I have some health problems due to my weight. I want to get healthy, but I get discouraged and…
Has any of you been or now on the Spike diet? I was wondering how well or not so well it works, and how it would work for someone that is a diabetic?
I am a diabetic dependant on insulin. Now I was out of my meds for a couple weeks... I know bad idea, but we had an issue with our insurance company.. So when I first started MFP I was not on my insulin and I was losing weight. Now that I have been back on it for the last three days, it looks like I am gaing back my weight…
Slow and Leisurely pace, in the walking for excercise? I am always finding myself trying to decide was I walking slow or leisurely. I kinda thought they were the same, but apparently not, because the calories burned is different.
Is there a certain diet plan to use on this site, or is it whatever each person decides?