Anyone here Insulin dependant?

I am a diabetic dependant on insulin. Now I was out of my meds for a couple weeks... I know bad idea, but we had an issue with our insurance company..

So when I first started MFP I was not on my insulin and I was losing weight. Now that I have been back on it for the last three days, it looks like I am gaing back my weight I lost {I haven't logged that yet, to depressing]. Do any of you find it harder to lose while taking insulin, or other diabetic medication? Is there a trick to losing while on that type of medication... Please need some help.. tips etc...


  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    Insulin and weight gain go hand in hand.. it's a struggle for all diabetics (I'm type 1 - diagnosed as a pre-teen). Your body needs insulin. The reason that you're losing weight when you go off of insulin is because there's too much sugar in your blood (high blood glucose) and your body is trying to flush it out of your system. You'll lose a lot of rapid water weight and eventually all your fat and muscle. You do not ever want to go off of your insulin. Ever. The complications from consistent high blood sugar readings will make trying to lose weight seem easy. The key to losing weight while being insulin dependent is to lower your insulin needs. Let me make this very clear by saying - DO NOT ADJUST YOUR INSULIN WITHOUT SPEAKING TO YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.

    You can, however, lower your body's need for insulin by your lifestyle. Eat more proteins and veggies - they contain few carbs, so you won't have the blood sugar spikes and your body won't try to put out more insulin to bring those sugars down. Eat fruits, but don't go overboard. You most certainly can eat carbohydrates but try to keep them complex carbs - whole grains, wheat bread, brown rice... and log absolutely everything you put into your mouth.

    Exercise. Exercise increases your body's sensitivity to insulin - meaning that it allows your body to more effectively use the insulin that it has... Walking will do wonders for your peace of mind, your body, and your blood sugars.
  • BBoros
    BBoros Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you for the wonderful advice.