Does anyone take DHEA?
I've heard a bit about DHEA supplements, wondering if anyone had any opinions on this? Thanks.
Things I wish I knew then (likely to offend most)
Before people read this and get too upset, in some cases where I am being offensive it's in a joking way. I spent my fair share of time on this site, so I've basically seen it all when it comes to MFP. I started my fitness pal when I was 16 (4 years ago). I suffered with an eating disorder, tried basically every fad diet…
Tips and Tricks
Still a fairly small group right now :) BUT is there anything you guys have found works best for you? I can share a few of the things Ive noticed -Eggs( or protein in general) are pretty much the only successful breakfast for me -Thyroid medication does not get absorbed when calcium is consumed up to 4 hours of taking your…
Harry Potter vs Religion
http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/harrypotter.html A friend posted this link on facebook today, to which someone commented : " I knew Harry Potter was wicked when they interviewed the author on tv before the first book released. She is a professing practicing witch and she admitted that the purpose of her books was to…
Fighting in Schools
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbQpkbqExZ0&sns=fb The link I posted above was filmed at a catholic high school in my local town. The girls involved in the fight we're given 3 days suspension and the uploader was given a "talking to".…
How to start
My aunt (who is severly obese) asked me the other day what I do to be healthy, but I realized what I've done as an 18 year old whose been focused on weight training, cardio and proper eating for most of her life.. my advice would be pretty irrelevant. I wouldn't want to "scare" her out of losing weight or intimidate or…
If the world were to end....
I'm not even sure if this even that debatable of a topic but... if the world were to end, who should be left to live? As the population has surpassed 7 billion, I think were slowly starting to realize how great we are at destroying what is natural on this planet. So if a disease (or anything) were to come and kill off most…
why am I fat?
Now don't confuse this question with "how come I'm fat." I know how come: I over ate, and didn't move around enough growing up. But do you ever ask yourself why? What was it that caused you to overeat? To delve into a world of gluttony. I always wonder if it was a chain reaction. My family loved to cook together, we were…
Should parents be allowed to spank their children?
The topic name hopefully says it all, should a parent be allowed to spank their child as a form of discipline? If yes, what age (if any) should you stop? And do you think this affects how the child behaves in public?
First time I've stopped a binge
... and it makes me a little sad that its never happened before :( BUT, everyone has to start somewhere right? This is my kind of lame story, but I'm putting off studying again, so I thought I'd share! All the usual temptations were in place, I was getting frustrated and stressed out for my bio midterm the next day, I…
TOM eating
It always happens, you get bloated and feel sick. You can go hours being so sick you don't want to eat, and then all of a sudden you want to eat it all! What do you guys do to curb your TOM cravings? Do you change your food plan up for this week? Any suggestions would be wonderful :)
"End Date"
Just curious, does anyone have a day that if they hope to lose all their weight by? or is it more just an in general weight loss? For example, I hope to lose the last pesky 10 pounds by my birthday simply because I want to feel my best when I destroy my liver for my 19th!
Most debated topics of 2011
After spending more time in the forums after an extended break, I almost forgot how intense some of the debating can get! I was wondering, what do you think have been the most debated topics this year? Do you think we could find the top ten most controversial topics of 2011 on MFP? I'm thinking: -low carb dieting…
Emotional Eating
I'm not sure how many other people have this problem, but I am a HUGE stress eater. And of course, its never the healthy options. With finals slowly approaching I could really use some help! Has anyone overcome their stress eating? If so, do you have any tips to share? :)
Freshman, uh minus 15?
Just entered my first year of university, and boy oh boy they do NOT lie when they talk about how awful the food is for you. It's been a rough 6 weeks food wise,but I think I'm finally ready to get myself back in the game! I could really use some extra support in making sure I stay on top of everything, so please feel free…
why "1200"
I understand the whole starvation mode dilemma, but I can't for the life of me understand where THIS particular number came into play. Why is "starvation" mode for me 1200 calories when I'm 5'4, but also 1200 calories if you're 6' tall. If everything else in the "healthy lifestyle change" [remember its not a diet;) ] isn't…
A change in cheat days....
So the other day is what i like to think of as my favorite day of the week, my "cheat" day. Not long ago, this day would have consisted of chips, cookies, cakes and candy of any type. This time my cheat day consisted of a bagel with all natural peanut butter, lots of watermelon,some corn, a diet pop and half a hamburger (…
Body Rock tv
I've seen a lot of p90x and insanity people out there, but i was just wondering: is any one on here a body rocker?
My rant about the MFP community.
Let me begin by giving you a little back round information about myself: I'm 18 years old I have low thyroid(aka the ultimate weight loss inhibitor) My mothers a dietitian so I've been hearing about healthy choice my entire life I'm currently attending university to also become a dietitian. I've lost over 25 lbs within the…