Lawyer jokes
OK...... recent events have required me to retain an attorney. While this guy is decent, and I have a couple of friends that are attorneys, I still find lawyer jokes to be pretty funny, so share your best one! Mine: Q: What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A: A good start.
What could possibly be more important than pie?
Heard this in a movie recently, and loved it. I'm thinking about making this my standard response to stupid questions/comments. Anybody recognize it? What's your favorite obscure movie quote (not the obvious ones like "Frankly, Scarlett...."
The REAL reason to do this!
Just had my annual health assessment at work today. Aside from the obvious benefit of looking and feeling better, the numbers tell the tale. 7 - Inches lost from my waistline 8 - points lost in my BMI 15 - points in cholesterol lost 22 - points lost in my blood presssure 28 - beats per minute less on my pulse 57 - pounds…
Stupid things in preparation for Hurricane
Watching people prepare for the big hurricane this week, there have been a lot of things I've seen that I just shake my head at, and wonder what these people are thinking. Let's list a few: 1) Buying a two week supply of milk. When your power is out for a week, how do you keep the milk from spoiling? 2) Extra ice cream...…
What's on your "bucket list"?
I don't really have a bucket list, but if I did, this would be on it: http://digitalseller.tblog.com/post/1970078348
What is the STUPIDEST thing you saw today?
Here's something new for the message boards: Post the stupidist thing you saw someone do today. I'll start: This guy, driving a full size pickup truck, pulls into the parking lot, and passes about 6 or 8 empty spots, all side by side, and then tries to pull into a spot between a tree (surrounded by a curb) and a Mercedes.…
Your favorite "Christmas only" food(s)?
Just for fun: Most families have some foods that they traditionally only have during the Christmas season. Do you have any, and if so, what are they? Here's mine: Date filled cookies Chocolate camels (actually just a chocolate sugar cookie, pressed in the shape of a camel) Cherry balls (another type of cookie/sweet) These…
CHALLENGE: You are blessed - so what do you take for grante
As most of you know from first hand experience, the weather has been very cold lately. I've found myself complaining about the temperature in my office, the temperature outside, and even (at times) the temperature in my home. Well, last night, I was again reminded of how ungrateful I am for so many things. I was downtown,…
Holiday eating tips (it's only a joke!)
Saw this and had to share it.... HOLIDAY EATING TIPS 1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls. 2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It's rare. You…
Too much business travel - how do I keep track?
I travel a lot on business, which entails a lot of eating out. While I certainly can (and will) practice moderation, I'm kind of concerned about how to know just what I'm eating. Certainly, I'll check the food database, but most of my meals are not eaten at "chains" where the nutritional (or non-nutritional) information is…