Motivation during my aerobathon
Hi everyone I'm doing a 5hr aerobathon on sunday. Have you got any tips/advice on how to stay motivated when im feeling tired?
Why is my weight loss slowing?
Hi Everyone I started really well with MFP and thought i'd pretty much cracked it as I seemed to be losing a lot of weight - i know at first you lose a lot of water. I lost 12 pounds maybe over 2 1/2 weeks and now i seem to be only losing a tiny amount the last few times i weighed myself. i dont think im eating or doing…
How do you eat enough calories in an aerobathon?
Hi all I'm doing a 5 hour dance aerobathon in 3 weeks time. Looking the calorie burn up for high impact aerobics, i should burn over 3400 calories!:wink: Does anyone have any ideas as to what to eat or how to match this amount of calories in the day. Thanks
Healthy snack ideas to fill up your calorie intake
Has anyone got any healthy snack ideas to fill up your calorie intake per day? Lets say your 100/200 calories short - what do you eat?
How do you get rid of muffins?
How do you get rid of muffins? I mean the ones on top of your hips not the cake sort!!! I seem to lose weight from my bum and my hips stick out? Anyone got any good exercises?
What is better? Sports drink question
HI everybody. What is better for before, during and after exercise? Powerade? Lucozade? Gaterade? Water? or another brand? I believe red bull makes you dehydrated, is this true? Im doing an aerobathon in 3 weeks so could do with some hydration advice?
Best sports drink question
HI everybody. What is better for before, during and after exercise? Powerade? Lucozade? Gaterade? Water? or another brand? I believe red bull makes you dehydrated, is this true? Im doing an aerobathon in 3 weeks so could do with some hydration advice?