Why is my weight loss slowing?

Hi Everyone

I started really well with MFP and thought i'd pretty much cracked it as I seemed to be losing a lot of weight - i know at first you lose a lot of water. I lost 12 pounds maybe over 2 1/2 weeks and now i seem to be only losing a tiny amount the last few times i weighed myself. i dont think im eating or doing anything different activity wise, other than i have been injured over the last week so have not really done anything extra other than my usual aerobics.

Any ideas?


  • msjenjenp
    msjenjenp Posts: 38

    I'm doing the old Weight Watchers Flex program and I noticed a slowdown after about 2.5 months. I was close to where I was supposed to reduce my daily point allowance by 2 points (this equals about 100 calories a day), so I did that and now I am back to losing like I was in the beginning. You might try mixing it up and eating a little less than you're allowed for a few days and see if it jump starts your progress.

    BTW -- I'm actually not exercising mainly because I'm just plain lazy, but I've got to add that in and I think it will be easier now that I have lost 20 pounds. I think I'll take those little poochies for a walk right now, in fact.

    Good luck!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I'm afraid a chunk of the first 12 pounds was water loss, and now you're starting the regular loss of actual fat, which means a 3,500 calorie net loss for each pound.

    How many pounds do you have until you reach your goal?

    Also, please define "losing a tiny amount". Two pounds a week is, in general, a very good pace for actual fat loss. One pound a week is a very decent pace.

    And how often do you weigh yourself?
  • topbombin
    topbombin Posts: 33
    I'm afraid a chunk of the first 12 pounds was water loss, and now you're starting the regular loss of actual fat, which means a 3,500 calorie net loss for each pound.

    How many pounds do you have until you reach your goal?

    Also, please define "losing a tiny amount". Two pounds a week is, in general, a very good pace for actual fat loss. One pound a week is a very decent pace.

    And how often do you weigh yourself?

    Yeh i guess im just a bit impatient as i was losing at such a rate. Its nice to have the reassurance. I never used to like weighing myself but when doing this it shows you are progressing. I weigh myself every 3 or 4 days. And im losing lets say 0.1 kgs at a time. I know i should probs weigh myself every week but I was just keen to see how i was getting on. i originally put my goal to lose at 2 pounds a week so i shouldnt be too disheartened.
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    weight loss is naturally going to slow down as your body finds ways to adjust to the new routine and new way of eating. the best way to combat this is to shock your body. change up your work out routine. instead of doing straight cardio for 30-45 mins try going hard as you can for 2-3 minutes and then rest for 2-3 mins and repeat. try doing a circuit workout with weights or weight machines at the gym rather than just 3 sets of thism, three sets of that with breaks in between each. if you've gotten into a habit of eating the same foods try incorporating new ones. maybe even take a few days off from working out and dieting. i'm not saying go hog wild but give yourself a break and then come back stronger and more focused. your body is constantly trying to find ways to adjust so you have to find ways to counteract that.