before and after
so i still have 40 lbs to go and normally wouldn't post these pictures prolly until I hit 240 but I'm married and I don't care ;) 05/21/2009 06/23/2009 - One Month and two days in.
i'm gonna go run 4 miles
in the Texas heat. Wish me luck!
How much fiber do you eat a day?
I ate 76 today and 2500 calories.
Tascoa Hot Sauce
Available here in Texas. 1/4 cup has 4g of fiber and 9 cals. I love it! Spelled Tascosa (sorry)
so my wedding ring doesn't fit anymore
lost about 25 pounds so far and my ring slips right off my finger. doh!
So I did my first spinning class
And I broke the pedal clean off the bike! d'oh! I did burn 1300 calories though with a total of ~1900 today!
V02 Testing
Anyone done it in the Dallas area?
Tall guy lookin to lose
weight! I'm 6'11", 305 now. Looking to get to around 240. Just wanted to say hello!!
I eat around 5/8 (10oz) a pound of spinach every morning for breakfast, I love it because it is less than 100 calories and fills me up. Anyone else like it? A bit of tabasco for some flavor does the trick.
Picky Eaters
I eat anything, can't say the same for the S/O. She tends to be picky when it comes to food. For those that are picky what did you do to overcome it or what do you eat that is healthy?
one week in
I have unusual circumstances as I tend to drop weight quickly because of my height, and probably mostly due to water weight. I started a week ago and weighed in at 305. This was after a day of unhealthy eating. This morning I weighed in at 290.5. Still have a long way to go but I'm going to stick with it. I work out 2-2…