i built that exact platform, use 2 layers of plywood, not 1. i'm OCD and the boards in the middle were not flush. get a power rack, there are a lot of exercises you can do with a bar. also as others stated, check out craigslist, lots of stuff @ a discount. rogue is badass for racks, and I think they have stuff in the UK
I paid for it because I've used this site for 6 years and it has really helped me. I like the nutritional options.
add me
cool hands
likes her hair
285 282 7 weeks and lots of chicken
Also, I started out at 325, at 270 now, been through every type of scenario you could imagine to lose weight. Congrats on the weight loss so far, you're at a great point now to re-evaluate your intake and continue moving forward. The weight will continue to drop, just please don't do it at the expense of muscle loss.. and…
I'm a lot taller but somewhat close in weight to you. You're going to lose muscle at the rate you're going. Been there before and regretted it afterwards. Aim for 2250-2400 calories at the lowest. Stick to .7g per lb of protein with 2250-2400 calories a day.. You'll be eating nothing but chicken if you're aiming for 200g a…
Nice smile!
I think its easier. Just don't drink, and tell your date you like to eat healthy. If they don't like it. F'em. I don't do dinner dates, just coffee. And I don't drink. And I'm stubborn. lol
Goblet Squat is what I do. But i modify it and use two dumbbells instead of one, I don't want to lug around a 140 pound dumbbell. I tried the front squat, but the form is difficult and if you do it wrong it will put a lot of stress on your lower back. It just seems easier to control with dumbbells. Keep your core tight…
Perfect thanks!!
first, figure out when you're most hungry. if that is at night, eat less in the mornings or vice versa. make sure you focus on your macros, i.e. eating enough protein.
That *kitten* is nuts, makes people a&&holes
One month and a few days. I literally spent the entire month doing nothing but working out, working and eating chicken.
and thanks haha, i also have ben doing a lot of hiking uphill
lots of leg workouts, and a 2x split routine 4x a week. no running.
w t f
well things are better now, moving on with my life. never going to talk to her again. feels refreshing knowing that.