RSD and trying to lose weight
I have a condition known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy along with a chronically unstable ankle following a severe sports injury, and I was placed on restrictive activities, which makes it really hard to lose weight. I do yoga daily, but I am not quite sure that that is enough to lose the weight I need. Does anybody else…
Going to military school...
So yeah, that is what is up. I talked myself into going to Hoosier Youth ChalleNGe Academy. Anyone else here been to military school? If so, what is it like? And WHY do the Cadres yell in your face?
After spending 5 and1/2 months away at military school, I have only lost 10 pounds. Sure, by body is more toned, but not in the right places! The academy has left me with arms so toned they look like guys arms, but I still have a flabby tummy. I don't know what to do, I pt'd so hard everyday, and in the 6 days I have been…
Eating makes me sick...
For the past to days, every time I ate, I start to feel ill. I get really nautious first, then I get light headed. I tried to lower the amount I ate, but even then I would still feel ill. and I am on a diet that makes the average person lose 1 pound a week, and I have already lost 4. I do not think that this is healthy.…
go back or just go?
Ok, so this year I was a senior in high school, but I got very sick and was put in the hospital about halfway through the year, and when I was well enough to return to school, the school said I was not aloud to return. I have been flirting with the idea of returning next year to get the honors diploma, or just graduating…
Just realized how lucky I am...
There is a creek down the road from me that my sister and I swam in a few times. Turns out it is the breading ground of copperheads. And now the luck comes in: it was mating season, and there were a lot.:sad: my sister and her friend were in the creek, and the current was driving them down...away from a bunch of…
It is time to get ready for church. ugh! I have to speak with the jack *ss who called me mentally unstable and dangerous :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (I am not!!!!! I have a doctor's note to prove it <----now I feel like a child. oh well) I thought that people at church weren't supposed to be so judgmental! and this was from a…
how to?
How do I attach my weight loss ticker to my posts?
Hiya! my name is Tori! I joined this site because it was recommended by my doctor. I tried losing weight by myself, but ended up putting on a lot of weight so it is about time that I got outside support I guess, because I lacked willpower. I am 18, 5 foot 7, and 188 pounds. I try to do yoga every day now to get healthy and…