What inspires you?
Hi wonderful people! I have a pretty typical story- have been vegetarian for 18 years, but have struggled to go/stay vegan*. I've decided to go vegan fully beginning today and I'm afraid of failing! Are there any resources that helped you go/stay vegan, or inspire you to keep your lifestyle? I'd also love to hear about…
Vegan meal plans / shopping lists?
Hi guys! Struggling vegan here. I've been a strict vegetarian for 10 years, but my own failings, cravings and lack of planning are standing in the way of me being fully vegan like I want to be for ethical and (to a lesser degree) health reasons. I can find all the recipes in the world on Pinterest, but I feel way over my…
Bicycling and other exercises to help with biking?
Hardcore bicycle-riding-enthusiasts are in a league of your own, I know, but it's a league I greatly admire and hope to join some day. I bike about 5 miles to-and-from work in the city on some days, and I'm working on increasing this. My greatest weakness is hills, so I've been thinking about exercises outside of biking…
The first thing to go...
Anyone else feeling bothered by this? :embarassed:
Free 90 Day Workout on YouTube; Want to do it?
I just came across this and thought it was so cool I wanted to share. :) It's a YouTube channel called "BeFitin90" that has a workout playlist each day for 90 days like all of those expensive programs except it's free! It's a little hard to navigate because it's a playlist of a few 5-10 minute videos, not one straight…
Can you argue with me or relate?
I recently began my weight-loss journey (last week) at the heaviest weight I have ever been. I was thin and athletic most of my life, but I still always found fault with my body (don't know what you got til it's gone, huh?). I've had a lot of free time and have been motivated to work out for long hours and eat well, but…
*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Last Week's Progress (Week 9: 3/4)
Hi guys! :smile: Here's how we all did after last Friday's weigh-in (3/4). Green Team: On track to lose 50 - 60 pounds by our 6/3 weigh-in: TeresaSavage- Taking 1st place this week with 24.6 pounds lost Pretty1one -- Close 2nd, only down by 0.3 pounds! (24.3 total) ChantalC1969 mkingraham Kathryn160 Emma44ny -- Broke into…
*Snowflakes to Sunshine* 2/25 Progress (Week 8)
Hi guys, I haven't posted a progress update in awhile, so this is how we did last week 2/25: (I'll try to stay more updated with these in the future!) Green Team: On track to lose 50 - 60 pounds by our 6/3 weigh-in: mkingraham and Pretty1one: TIED for 1st place with 21.5 pounds lost! TeresaSavage ChantalC1969…
*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Progress: New Format! :)
Happy 5th weigh-in everyone! (Or Week 6 :bigsmile: ) As much as I love goofy puns, I thought there should be a more scientific approach to looking at our numbers every week. Our goal is 40 pounds by the first weigh-in of June (6/3) which evens out to 1.8 pounds lost per week. As everyone has been saying, it's important to…
*Snowflakes to Sunshine* 1/28 Weigh-in PROGRESS!
Hey guys, it's the last weigh-in of our first month! Let's check out how we did... But remember, everybody goes at their own pace, and this is only meant as motivation, (and silly motivation at that! :tongue: ) so don't pay any attention if you are discouraged by competition. For the rest of you Champions, Gladiators,…
*Snowflakes to Sunshine* 1st Weigh-in PROGRESS!
Hi fellow S2S-ers! :flowerforyou: I was looking through the data for our first week and we did an awesome job! Even counting some weight gain, 110 of us lost over 266 pounds! (2 thin people! ;-) In the spirit of competition and motivation, I thought it would be fun to shout out how we're all doing according to the data.…
*Snowflakes to Sunshine* 1/14 Weigh-in PROGRESS!
Hey guys! Tracking our numerical progress for our third weigh-in. :wink: The lists are taking into account total weight-loss from the 1/1 start, as well as progress this week. Many of us felt discouraged this week, but we all know the 2nd week is often the hardest, so we can't let that stop us! Remember that this is a…