Bicycling and other exercises to help with biking?

Hardcore bicycle-riding-enthusiasts are in a league of your own, I know, but it's a league I greatly admire and hope to join some day. I bike about 5 miles to-and-from work in the city on some days, and I'm working on increasing this. My greatest weakness is hills, so I've been thinking about exercises outside of biking that could help. (I read this article and was curious about what you guys think:

Aside from that, does anyone having any biking advice / recommendations? (Other than the hills, I also struggle with that awful saddle soreness that comes back for a few days every time I skip a few days biking.)

Thanks in advance! :D


  • starseedxo
    starseedxo Posts: 36 Member
    TITS (Time in the Saddle) . Just keep riding, don't avoid the hills, the less you avoid them, the better you will get at them. Pretty soon that "super hard" climb you hate doing on your normal route will seem strangely easy. Also, invest in a good pair of padded shorts or bibs, and some chamois cream for the saddle sores.