NSV - blood pressure
A recent NSV ive had. Got my blood pressure down from dangerously high levels to definitely more acceptable levels. No meds just hard work and diet.
Started rowing 3 weeks ago, slowly making progress. Finding its almost a full body work out and loving it. Any others try it out?
Tried to do it alone
Well, I tried to lose weight, or even maintain, where I was without MFP, apparently I don't have self control or since I'm not watching what I eat I just don't see the calories adding up. I had lost so much weight and gained back around half of it back in just a few months time! :cry: Since I cannot do it on my own I'm…
Just talkin to talk
Blahh, I'm really just not liking dieting right now! Even though I'm almost 50 lbs lighter (my thing says 36 but I didn't start MFP until I had already lost 10lbs by myself) I feel like I'm in a slump! Maybe it's because nothing has gone right for the last 2 weeks, car broke down, computer broke, works been slow, guess I…
My turn for diary review
Hey all just wanted to see if anyone would have some helpful hints for my food intake, I know I'm doing rather well with my weight but I wanted help with my macros and all that fun stuff. And by help I don't mean "eat more protein" I'm asking for some examples, such as "eat more chicken for dinner less noodles" or…
Random workout if you can
Just wanted to post this up i'm sure not many people know about it. But archery is a great way to burn some calories and it's pretty fun. 30 minutes of archery burns a little more than 30 minutes of walking, it will also help tone your arms and back. hope those pictures worked
California friends
Seeing if anyone in CA or the west coast up at 5 a.m. Needing some motivation to be up that early to go running! I have no problem being up just actually starting that run maybe a texting pal or something. Please let me know.
Anyone up at 5a.m. west coast time.
Seeing if anyone is up at 5 a.m on the west coast. Needing some motivation to be up that early to go running! I have no problem being up just actually starting that run maybe a texting pal or something. I got up this morning at 5 to go running but I honestly just sat in bed staring at my phone. Please let me know, inbox me…
Meal Replacement Shakes
I was thinking of starting to take meal replacement shakes in the morning for breakfast, I generally don't like to eat breakfast but I'm always hungry in the morning and would like to have something to fill the space between breakfast and lunch. Or when I do eat breakfast it's usally something unhealthy and quick. Are…
People offering food.
I work with alot of people that LOVE to eat, I also work with many older oriental women (1 Vietnamese, 3 Philipinos.) And they all like to "make sure I eat." I'm always hearing " Jonathan you look hungry you need to eat." And more often than not they are offering me cakes or candy, or just some kind of regular food but in…
New Here
Hello all, I'm new here just starting a diet and finding out that 1700 calories is really hard to stick to and stay full! Especially when you're used to eating 3000+ a day. Anyone have any suggestions? Or will this get easier as I get used to the diet?